

Education,Culture,Sports,Public Health,Social Welfare and Others

  1. 18-1主要年份教育事业基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Education in Main Years
  2. 18-2主要年份每万人口在校学生数、每个教师负担学生数
    Students Enrollment per 10000Persons and Students Taught by Every Teacher in Main Years
  3. 18-3主要年份各级各类学校在校学生数
    Students Enrollment by Various Schools in Main Years
  4. 18-4主要年份研究生基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Postgraduates in Main Years
  5. 18-4续表
  6. 18-5普通高等院校各类专业本科学生数(2021年)
    Students Enrollment in Regular Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2021)
  7. 18-6普通高等院校本专科基本情况(2021年)
    Basic Statistics on Regular Institutions of Higher Education (2021)
  8. 18-6续表
  9. 18-7高中、初中、小学毕业生升学情况
    Statistics on Graduates of Senior, Junior Secondary Schools and Primary Schools Entering Higher Level Schools
  10. 18-7续表
  11. 18-8普通中学专任教师学历情况(2021年)
    Diploma Qualifications of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools (2021)
  12. 18-8续表
  13. 18-9各类学校教职工人数及专任教师数
    Staff and Workers and Full-time Teachers by Type of School
  14. 18-10小学教育情况
    Statistics on Primary Education
  15. 18-11成人高等教育基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Adult Higher Education
  16. 18-12成人高等教育在校学生数
    Number of Students Enrolled in Adult Higher Education by Level
  17. 18-13民办普通中小学及幼儿园情况(2021年)
    Statistics on Regular Secondary Schools, Primary Schools and Kindergartens Run by Society (2021)
  18. 18-14幼儿园基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Kindergartens
  19. 18-15体育事业基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Sports
  20. 18-16文化主要指标
    Main Indicators of Culture
  21. 18-16续表
  22. 18-17主要年份卫生事业基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Public Health in Main Years
  23. 18-18医疗卫生机构数
    Number of Health Institutions
  24. 18-19医疗卫生机构床位数
    Number of Beds in Medical and Health Institutions
  25. 18-20医疗卫生机构工作人员
    Number of Employed Personnel in Medical and Health Institutions
  26. 18-21医疗卫生机构基本情况(2021年,按地区分)
    Basic Statistics on Medical and Health Institutions (2021, by District)
  27. 18-21续表
  28. 18-22民营医疗机构基本情况(2021年,按地区分)
    Basic Statistics on Private Medical and Health Institutions (2021, by District)
  29. 18-23医疗资源与服务情况(2021年,按经济类型和设置主办单位分)"
    Resources and Services on Medical Institutions (2021,By Economic Type and Setting Organizer)
  30. 18-24医疗资源与服务情况(2021年,按机构类型分)
    Resources and Services on Medical Institutions (2021,By Organization Type)
  31. 18-25村卫生室基本情况
    Statistics on Rural Health Institutions
  32. 18-26卫生事业其他指标
    Other Indicators of Health Care
  33. 18-27律师、公证、基层司法基本情况
    Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Grassroots Judicial Work
  34. 18-28社会治安主要指标
    Main Indicators of Public Security
  35. 18-29社会保险情况
    Conditions of Social Insurance
  36. 18-29续表
  37. 18-30优抚和社会救助、福利事业情况
    Statistics on Special Care, Social Relief and Social Welfare
  38. 18-31结婚登记和离婚登记情况
    Marriage Registration and Divorce Registration
  39. 18-32社会组织机构情况
    Social Organization Structure