18-22 民营医疗机构基本情况(2021年,按地区分)
Basic Statistics on Private Medical and Health Institutions (2021, by District)
地  区 District 医疗卫生机构数 床位数 人员数      
(个) (张) (人) #卫生技术    
Medical and Number of Number of 人员 #执业(助理) #注册护士
Medical Beds Employed (人) 医师(人) (人)
Institutions (unit) Personnel Medical Assistant Registered
(unit)   (person) Technical Certified Nurses
      Personnel Doctors (person)
      (person) (person)  
总 计 Total 3985 22554 57982 46776 18553 21860
 荔湾区  Liwan 194 810 2685 2483 1086 1138
 越秀区  Yuexiu 268 948 5707 4416 1683 2252
 海珠区  Haizhu 274 1147 3931 3430 1407 1543
 天河区  Tianhe 802 3694 14473 10923 4315 5264
 白云区  Baiyun 659 9957 12135 9789 3721 4800
 黄埔区  Huangpu 329 1245 4742 3732 1297 1184
 番禺区  Panyu 490 1238 4943 4079 1857 1789
 花都区  Huadu 374 1296 3304 2929 1272 1345
 南沙区  Nansha 98 135 937 622 266 272
 从化区  Conghua 124 409 842 749 273 414
 增城区  Zengcheng 373 1675 4283 3624 1376 1859
Note: The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.

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