18-23 医疗资源与服务情况(2021年,按经济类型和设置主办单位分)
Resources and Services on Medical Institutions (2021By Economic Type and Setting Organizer)
项  目     Item     合 计 公立   民营
        Total 医疗机构 # 政府办 医疗机构
          Public Operated by Private
          Medical Governments Medical
          Institutions   Institutions
医疗机构数        (个)   Number of Units                        (unit)   5814 1829 761 3985
总诊疗人次      (万人次)   Patients Treated            (10000 person-times)   14425.11 11953.68 11055.62 2471.42
# 门 诊               Outpatient Visits                           13012 10636 9808 2375
 急 诊             Emergency Visits                           1049.07 991.35 941.72 57.72
观察室留观病例数   (万人次)   Number of Persons for Further Observation       (10000 person-times)   74.26 65.07 65.00 9.19
健康检查人次     (万人次)   Number of Persons for Health Examination       (10000 person-times)   1284 983 917 301
入院人数       (万人次)   Number of Inpatients       (10000 person-times)   328.72 303.05 296.47 25.67
出院人数       (万人次)   Number of Leaving Hospital (10000 person-times)   329 303 296 26
年底实有病床数      (张)   Number of Beds at Year-end              (unit)   106513 83959 80424 22554
病床使用率         (%)   Utilization Rate of Beds                   (%)   75.51 78.23 78.46 64.46
病床周转次数      (次/年)   Turnover Rate of Beds              (times/year)   32 37 38 13
出院者平均住院日     (日)   Average Hospitalization Period            (day)   8.93 7.70 7.54 23.37
医师人均每日担负诊疗人次 (人)   Average Daily For Per Doctor visited     (person)   8.88 10.23 10.15 5.42
医师人均每日担负住院床日 (人)   Doctor Responsible For Inpatient Bed Days Per Capita Daily        1.51 1.38 1.43 2.04
Note: The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.

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