18-30 优抚和社会救助、福利事业情况
Statistics on Special Care, Social Relief and Social Welfare
项   目   Item   2020 2021
优抚事业              Special Care and Preferential Treatment         
 抚恤、补助优抚对象总人数  (人)    Number of Persons Enjoying Regular Pensions and Allowances        (person)   31749 35992
 抚恤事业财政性支出    (万元)    Expenses on Special Care and Preferential Treatment             (10000 yuan)   57225.35 61514.14
社会救助              Social Relief           
 城市居民最低生活保障人数  (人)    Number of Persons Enjoying Mininum living Security In Urbar Areas   (Person)   18995 18660
 城市居民最低生活保障户数  (户)    Number of Households Enjoying Mininum living Security In Urbar            11962 11971
                    Areas                                                  (Household)      
 农村居民最低生活保障人数  (人)    Number of Persons Enjoying Mininum living Security In Rural Areas    (Person)   27801 27614
 农村居民最低生活保障户数  (户)    Number of Households Enjoying Mininum living Security In Rural            12118 11798
                    Areas                                                  (Household)      
 城市特困人员救助供养人数      Number of Relief Personnel in Urbar Areas                         (Person)   4374 4552
 农村特困人员救助供养人数  (人)    The Number of Relief Personnel in Rural Areas                     (Person)   3727 3595
 资助参加医疗救助保险    (人)    Number of Persons Funded to Participate in Medical Care Insurance     (Person)   201035 197230
 直接实施医疗救助人次数  (人次)    Number of Persons Direct Implementation of Medical Assistance  (Person-times)   989862 1209810
 # 住院救助人次数     (人次)    Number of Persons Enjoying Medical Assistance Intpatient                  346083 325886
                    Services                                              (Person-times)      
  门诊救助人次数     (人次)    Number of Persons Enjoying Medical Assistance Outpatient                 643779 883924
                    Services                                              (Person-times)      
 临时救助人次数          Number of temporary assistance                             (Person-times)   1748 2049
 城市低收入家庭救助人数       Number of Persons low-income families assisted in Urbar Areas        (Person)   2689 2593
 城市低收入家庭救助户数       Number of Households low-income families assisted in Urbar Areas  (Household)   1164 1139
 农村低收入家庭救助人数       Number of Persons low-income families assisted In Rural Areas        (Person)   3596 3088
 农村低收入家庭救助户数       Number of Households low-income families assisted In Rural Areas  (Household)   1227 1015
 流浪乞讨人员救助人次数  (人次)   Number of Vagrants and Beggars Enjoying Relief              (Person-times)   12970 15529
 # 未成年人救助保护机构       Number of times that minors are rescued            
  救助未成年人人次数  (人次)    by minors' rescue and protection Agency                     (Person-times)   29 27
 社会救助事业财政性支出  (万元)   Expenses on Social Relief                                  (10000 yuan)   97633.9 93493.1
 自然灾害生活救助财政性支出       (万元)   Financial Relief Funds for Disasters                          (10000 yuan)   21.87 0
社会福利              Social Welfare         
 享受困难残疾人生活补贴人数     Number of persons with disabilities receiving living allowances         (Person)   30744 31722
 享受重度残疾人护理补贴人数     Number of persons receiving care subsidies for severely disabled persons  (Person)   105939 110038
 社会福利收养性单位数    (个)    Number of Social Welfare Adoption Units                           (unit)   249 259
 社会福利收养性单位床位数  (张)    Number of Beds in Social Welfare Adoption Units                     (unit)   69257 68541
 年末社会福利收养性单位在院       Number of Persons in Social Welfare Adoption Units at Year-end      (Person)      
  人数          (人)                                                                      31932 30809
 社会福利事业财政性支出  (万元)    Expenses on Social Welfare                                 (10000 yuan)   258045.1 278463.4
城乡社区服务            Grassroots Social Security in Urban and Rural Areas         
 社区服务设施数       (个)    Number of Community Service Facilities in Urban Areas                (unit)   3396 3217
 # 社区服务中心(站)    (个)     Centers of Community Service                                        2956 2958
NotesI. The data on preferential care are provided by Guangzhou Bureau of Veterans Affairs, medical assistance data are provided by Guangzhou Medical Assistance Service Center. Other data are provided  
     by Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, since 2018.
    II. Since 2018, the relevant data of social welfare adoptive units do not include the data of preferential care and subordinate units,and the data of 2017 are adjusted according to the same caliber.
    III. The financial expenditure on pension business includes the financial expenditure of the central government,municipalities and districts,and the statistical caliber includes pension subsidies,condolence 
     payments, one-time pensions and preferential treatment for the families of conscripts2018 statistical data of the same caliber adjusted to this report.
    IV. Since 2019, the  data  of  financial  relief  funds  for  disasters  has  been  provided by Guangzhou Emergency Management Bureau,which includes only aid funding and does not include material relief. 
     Because of the adjustment, it is incomparable with the data of the previous year.

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