18-29 续表 continued
单位:人 (person)
项    目 Item 2021
年末参保人数 享受保险
Persons 待遇人数
Participating Number of
in Insurance People Enjoying
at Year-end Insurance
基本养老保险 Basic Pension Insurance 10039020 1864321
 城镇职工基本养老保险   Basic Pension Insurance for Employed Persons in Urban Units 8643340 1279560
 城乡居民养老保险   Pension Insurance for Urban and Rural Resident 1395680 584761
社会医疗保险 Social Medical Care Insurance 13968100 6981422
 职工社会医疗保险   Employee Social Medical Care Insurance 8944800 4915874
 城乡居民社会医疗保险   Social Medical Care Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents 5023300 2065548
失业保险 Unemployment Insurance  7157123 208600
工伤保险 Work Injury Insurance 7292310 17190
生育保险 Maternity Insurance 6896676 315500
NotesI. The data on old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the 
     data on medical insurance are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, since 2018.
    II. The basic old-age insurance for urban employees includes the old-age insurance for government and public institutions,and the statistical caliber of suspended contributions has been adjusted,since 2018. 
     The data are incomparable with that of 2017.
    III. Number of medical care insurance for employed persons only calculates the number of persons enjoyed medical treatment, excluding the number of personal capital account for medical insurance.
    IV.Since August 1st, 2019,former participants of the pension insurance for residents transferred from farmers have been merged into the city’s pension insurance for urban and rural residents, which will be 
     managed in a unified manner in accordance with pension insurance for urban and rural residents’ system.
    V. Maternity insurance unit is the number of times to enjoy insurance benefits.

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