18-1 主要年份教育事业基本情况
Basic Statistics on Education in Main Years
项   目   Item   2020 2021
学校数           (所)   Number of Schools                     (unit)   1764 1771
 普通高等学校             Regular Institutions of Higher Education           82 83
 中等职业学校             Vocational Secondary Schools                   77 78
 技工学校               Technical Schools                           54 54
 普通中学               Regular Secondary Schools                   539 551
  高 中                Senior Secondary Schools                   120 124
  初 中                Junior Secondary Schools                   419 427
 小 学                Primary Schools                            992 986
 特殊教育学校             Special Schools                             20 19
专任教师          (人)   Number of Full-time Teachers          (person)   194760 202702
 普通高等学校             Regular Institutions of Higher Education           71202 75682
 中等职业学校             Vocational Secondary Schools                   7739 6905
 技工学校               Technical Schools                           6792 6712
 普通中学               Regular Secondary Schools                   45249 47167
  高 中                Senior Secondary Schools                   14620 14713
  初 中                Junior Secondary Schools                   30629 32454
 小 学                Primary Schools                            62615 64993
 特殊教育学校             Special Schools                             1163 1243
招生数           (人)   New Student Enrollment              (person)   998403 983405
 普通高等学校            Regular Institutions of Higher Education           473165 424042
 中等职业学校            Vocational Secondary Schools                   42225 57152
 技工学校              Technical Schools                           90183 88502
 普通中学              Regular Secondary Schools                     193277 200003
  高 中               Senior Secondary Schools                   54360 54844
  初 中               Junior Secondary Schools                    138917 145159
 小 学               Primary Schools                            198393 211956
 特殊教育学校            Special Schools                             1160 1750
在校学生          (人)   Total Student Enrollment              (person)   3367391 3594746
 普通高等学校            Regular Institutions of Higher Education           1307144 1412569
 中等职业学校            Vocational Secondary Schools                   123657 171402
 技工学校              Technical Schools                           262527 269212
 普通中学              Regular Secondary Schools                     543203 569589
  高 中               Senior Secondary Schools                   159450 161633
  初 中               Junior Secondary Schools                    383753 407956
 小 学               Primary Schools                            1125103 1164403
 特殊教育学校            Special Schools                             5757 7571
毕业生数          (人)   Graduates                           (person)   736826 792005
 普通高等学校            Regular Institutions of Higher Education           305248 319777
 中等职业学校            Vocational Secondary Schools                   38238 57864
 技工学校              Technical Schools                           67222 62807
 普通中学              Regular Secondary Schools                     168488 166059
  高 中               Senior Secondary Schools                   53845 51850
  初 中               Junior Secondary Schools                    114643 114209
 小 学               Primary Schools                            156827 184519
 特殊教育学校            Special Schools                             803 979
NoteThe data of colleges and universities in this table are provided by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, including only junior college students; the data of technical schools are provided by 
   Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Provinceand the rest of the data are provided by the Bureau of Education of Guangzhou City.

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