18-25 村卫生室基本情况
Statistics on Rural Health Institutions
项   目   Item   2020 2021
机构数            (个)   Number of Institutions                      (unit)   921 936
执业(助理)医师  (人)   Certified (Assistant) Doctors               (person)   602 607
注册护士           (人)   Certified (Assistant) Nurses (person)   272 239
乡村医生和卫生员       (人)   Rural Doctors and Medical Attendants       (person)   548 432
 乡村医生数             Rural Doctors                                522 393
 卫生员               Medical Attendants                            26 39
总诊疗人次        (万人次)   Patients Treated               (10000 person-times)   179.01 157.00
Note: The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.

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