18-19 医疗卫生机构床位数
Number of Beds in Medical and Health Institutions 
单位:张 (unit)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
各类医疗卫生机构床位 Total Number of Beds in Health Institutions  101640 106513
 医 院  Hospitals 93067 97117
  综合医院   General Hospitals 57399 58693
  中医医院   TCM Hospitals 11803 12016
  中西医结合医院   Hospitals Which Integrate Traditional Chinese Therapeutics with  2473 2643
     Therapeutics in Practice    
  专科医院   Specialized Hospitals 19973 22204
  护理院   Nursing Homes 1419 1561
 基层医疗卫生机构  Community Medical and Health Institutions 4378 4978
  社区卫生服务中心(站)   Health Service Centers for Community 2479 2613
  卫生院   Township Hospitals 1873 2339
  门诊部   Outpatient Departments 26 26
 专业公共卫生机构  Specialized Public Health Institutions 3902 4125
  专科疾病防治院(所、站)   Specialized Disease Prevention & Treatment Institutions 126 123
  妇幼保健院(所、站)   Maternity and Child Care Centers 3776 4002
 其他卫生机构  Others 293 293
  疗养院   Sanitariums 293 293
NoteThe data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.

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