18-20 医疗卫生机构工作人员
Number of Employed Personnel in Medical and Health Institutions 
单位:人 (person)
项    目 Item 2020 2021
合  计 Total 214612 227267
# 卫生技术人员小计   Medical Technical Personnel 177835 187703
  执业(助理)医师     Assistant Certified Doctors 62329 66204
  # 执业医师       Certified Doctors 58266 62081
   # 全科医生       General Doctors 4063 4785
  注册护士     Registered Nurses 82484 88017
  药 师(士)     Pharmacists 9447 9728
  技 师(士)     Technicians 8838 11064
   # 检验师(士)       Testers 6369 6704
  其 他     Others 14737 12690
 其他技术人员   Other Technical Personnel 7572 7888
 管理人员   Managerial Personnel 9614 9931
 工勤技能人员   Workers 19043 21313
 乡村医生和卫生员   Rural Doctors and Medical Attendants 548 432
NoteThe data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.The number of general practitioners includes the number of assistant practitioners in rural general practice from 2019.

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