18-24 医疗资源与服务情况(2021年,按机构类型分)
Resources and Services on Medical Institutions (2021,By Organization Type)
项  目   Item   医 院 基层医疗     专业公共 其他卫生
      卫生机构 社区卫生服 卫生院 卫生机构 机构
    Hospital Basic 务中心(站) Health Professional Other
      Medical Community Center Medical Health
      and Health Health Care   and Health Care
      Institutions Centers   Institutions Institutions
机构数       (个)   Number of Units              (unit)   291 5332 331 32 88 103
总诊疗人次   (万人次)   Patients Treated  (10000 person-times)   9066.58 4484.83 2356.80 509.71 867.39 6.31
# 门 诊            Outpatient Visits                  8180.86 4099.88 2136.54 356.77 724.59 6.31
 急 诊          Emergency Visits                 775.87 167.13 58.69 108.44 106.07  
观察室留观病例数    (万人次)   Number of Persons for Further Observation         70.20 3.98 1.61 2.37 0.08  
              (10000 person-times)              
健康检查人次  (万人次)   Number of Persons for Health Examination         814.06 358.09 153.19 29.70 104.51 7.24
        (10000 person-times)              
入院人数    (万人次)   Number of Inpatients               (10000person-times)   303.69 7.56 2.20 5.35 17.44 0.02
出院人数    (万人次)   Number of Leaving Hospital         (10000 person-times)   303.82 7.54 2.19 5.33 17.42 0.02
年末实有病床数   (张)   Number of Beds at Year-end     (unit)   97117 4978 2613 2339 4125 293
平均开放病床数   (张)   Average Number of Beds in Use  (unit)   93923 4546 2406 2140 3920 283
病床使用率     (%)   Utilization Rate of Beds          (%)   77.17 52.38 50.23 54.80 67.86 1.54
病床周转次数  (次/年)   Turnover Rate of Beds    (times/year)   32.35 16.58 9.12 24.91 44.44 0.79
出院者平均住院日  (日)   Average Hospitalization Period   (day)   9.08 10.92 18.42 7.85 5.48 6.83
NoteThe data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.

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