18-9 各类学校教职工人数及专任教师数
Staff and Workers and Full-time Teachers by Type of School 
单位:人 (person)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
各类学校教职工人数 Number of Staff and Workers by Type of School 247224 266394
 普通高等学校  Regular Institutions of Higher Education 98415 111499
 中等职业学校  Vocational Secondary Schools 10952 9541
 技工学校  Technical Schools 13134 13040
 普通中学  Regular Secondary Schools 55659 55479
 小 学  Primary Schools 67648 75302
 特殊学校  Special Schools 1416 1533
各类学校专任教师数 Number of Full-time Teachers by Type of School  194760 202702
 普通高等学校  Regular Institutions of Higher Education 71202 75682
 中等职业学校  Vocational Secondary Schools 7739 6905
 技工学校  Technical Schools 6792 6712
 普通中学  Regular Secondary Schools 45249 47167
 # 高 中   Senior Secondary Schools 14620 14713
 小 学  Primary Schools 62615 64993
 特殊学校  Special Schools 1163 1243

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