18-27 律师、公证、基层司法基本情况
Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Grassroots Judicial Work
项   目   Item   2020 2021
律师工作             Lawyers               
 律师事务所       (个)    Number of Law Offices                             (unit)   812 851
 执业律师        (人)    Number of Certified Lawyers                       (person)   17902 20053
 担任常年法律顾问    (家)    Number of Units with Permanent Legal Advisors         (unit)   22415 25824
 民事诉讼代理      (件)    Civil Case Litigation Agency                         (case)   141073 236542
 行政诉讼代理      (件)    Administrative Action Case Litigation Agency           (case)   4105 5666
 非诉讼法律事务     (件)    off-court Case                                     (case)   52009 77316
 刑事辩护及代理     (件)    Criminal Case Litigation Agency                      (case)   24956 32656
公证工作             Notarization          
 公证处         (个)    Number of Notary Offices                           (unit)   10 10
 公证人员        (人)    Number of Notary Personnel                       (person)   456 473
 办结公证总数      (件)    Number of Notary Documents                        (case)   379405 384193
 # 国内民事公证         Domestic Civil Notary                                   247340 246564
  国内经济公证          Domestic Economic Notarization                          89939 86225
  涉外民事公证          Foreign-related Civil notary                               41106 50298
  涉外经济公证          Foreign-related Economic Notarization                     1020 1106
基层司法工作           Grassroots Judicial Work          
 司法所         (个)    Number of Law Services                            (unit)   176 176
 司法所人员       (人)    Number of Law Service Personnel                   (person)   1085 1108
 司法所兼职人员     (人)    Number of Units with Legal Advisors                (person)   11 0
 司法所辅助人员     (人)    Ancillary Judicial Personel in Courts                 (person)   495 618
 人民调解委员会     (个)    Number of People's Mediation Committees at Year-end    (unit)   3316 3389
 调解人员        (人)    Number of Mediators at Year-end                   (person)   15712 17462
 调解纠纷总数      (件)    Number of Disputes Mediated                        (case)   73319 86151
NoteThe data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Justice.

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