18-18 医疗卫生机构数
Number of Health Institutions 
单位:个 (unit)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
各类医疗卫生机构合计     Total Number of Health Care Institutions              5550 5814
 医 院           Hospitals 289 291
  综合医院          General Hospitals 150 152
  中医医院          TCM Hospitals 34 34
  中西医结合医院       Hospitals Which Integrate Traditional Chinese Therapeutics with Western  6 4
     Therapeutics in Practice    
  专科医院          Specialized Hospitals 89 91
  护理院           Nursing Homes 10 10
 基层医疗卫生机构       Basic Health Care Institutions                      5070 5332
  社区卫生服务中心(站)   Health Service Certers(Stations) for Community 334 331
   社区卫生服务中心       Health Service Centers for Community 155 158
   社区卫生服务站       Health Service Stations for Community 179 173
  卫生院           Township Hospitals 31 32
  村卫生室          Village Health Hospitals 921 936
  门诊部           Outpatient Departments 1529 1662
  诊所、卫生所、医务室       Clinics, Health Stations, Infirmaries 2255 2371
 专业公共卫生机构       Specialized Health Care Institutions                 101 88
  疾病预防控制中心       CDC(Epidemic Prevention Stations) 17 16
  专科疾病防治院(所、站)   Specialized Disease Prevention & Treatment Institutions 7 7
  健康教育所(站、中心)   Health Education Stations(Centers) 3 4
  妇幼保健院(所、站)   Maternity and Child Care Centers 12 12
  急救中心(站)   First Aid Centers(Stations) 7 7
  采供血机构         Blood Collection Agencies 5 5
  卫生监督所(中心)   Health Supervision Stations 14 14
  计划生育技术服务机构     Family-planning Technical Service Institutions 36 23
 其他卫生机构        Others                                          90 103
  疗养院           Sanitariums 6 6
  医学科学研究机构       Research Institutions of Medical Science 6 6
  医学在职培训机构       Training Institutions of Medical Science for Incunbent 1  
  临床检验中心(所、站)   Clinical Inspect Centers(stations) 57 69
  统计信息中心        Statistical Information Centers 1 1
  其 他           Other Medical Institutions 19 21
NoteThe data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.

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