18-11 成人高等教育基本情况
Basic Statistics on Adult Higher Education
单位:人 (person)
项   目   Item   2020 2021
成人高等教育         Higher Education for Adults         
 学校数        (所)    Number of Schools                                   (unit)   9 9
 教职工人数          Number of Teachers and Staff                               2522 2525
 # 专任教师数          Number of Full-time Teachers                              1588 1585
 聘请校外教师    (人次)    Number of Teachers Engaged from Other Schools    (Person-time)   3460 3366
 毕业生            Graduates                                               153852 166793
 招生数            New Students Enrollment                                  302346 251309
 在校学生数          Students Enrolled                                         739703 577264
Note: The data in this table are provided by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province.

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