18-7 高中、初中、小学毕业生升学情况
Statistics on Graduates of Senior, Junior Secondary Schools and Primary Schools Entering Higher Level Schools
项  目   Item   2020
高中毕业生数   (人)   Graduates of Senior Secondary Schools                                              (person)   53845
 已升学人数   (人)     Students Entering Institution of Higher Education                                    (person)   51425
 升学率     (%)     Percentage of Graduates of Senior Secondary Schools Entering Institution of Higher Education   (%)   95.51
初中毕业生数   (人)   Graduates of Junior Secondary Schools                                              (person)   114643
 已升学人数   (人)     Students Entering Senior Secondary Schools                                        (person)   111350
 升学率     (%)     Percentage of Graduates of Junior Secondary Schools Entering Senior Secondary Schools        (%)   97.13
小学毕业生数   (人)   Graduates of Primary Schools                                                     (person)   156827
 已升学人数   (人)     Students Entering Junior Secondary Schools                                        (person)   151124
 升学率     (%)     Percentage of Graduates of Primary Schools Entering Junior Secondary Schools                (%)   96.36

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