18-17 主要年份卫生事业基本情况
Basic Statistics on Public Health in Main Years

卫生机构数   卫   生   卫生机构   每万人口 每万人口
  (个)   技术人员   床位数   医生数 医院床位数
年 份   # 医 院 (人) # 医 生 (张) # 医 院 (人) (张)
  Health Care Hospitals Medical Doctors Hospital Hospitals Doctors Hospital Beds
Year Institutions   Professionals   Beds   per 10000 per 10000
  (unit)   (person)   (bed)   Population Population
              (person) (bed)
1978 1589  140 31547 12014 17109 14382 24.88 29.78
1980 1802  141 35792 14566 17673 14747 29.02 29.38
1985 2098  163 42522 18079 23830 19439 33.17 35.67
1986 2319  165 44666 19152 25031 20020 34.48 36.05
1987 2173  174 45818 19557 26599 21544 34.61 38.13
1988 2387  182 46957 20094 27981 22663 34.83 39.28
1989 2409  186 47988 20913 28988 23458 35.72 40.07
1990 2353  190 48276 21015 29930 24395 35.36 41.05
1991 2347  194 48618 21026 31293 25286 34.91 41.99
1992 2323  200 49052 21304 32646 26901 34.80 43.94
1993 2094  210 50097 22153 32399 27339 35.52 43.84
1994 2131  216 50819 22401 33086 27871 35.17 43.75
1995 2238  221 52851 23321 34139 28721 36.06 44.41
1996 1987  222 52450 22384 34338 29728 34.12 45.31
1997 1989  224 53654 22829 35301 30067 34.25 45.11
1998 2013  224 54053 22817 35306 30791 33.85 45.67
1999 1670  250 54480 23068 36431 31284 33.68 45.67
2000 1703  252 55677 23503 38758 33716 33.54 48.12
2001 2257  253 56262 23949 39417 34558 33.61 48.50
2002 2265  196 54652 22169 40430 32736 30.76 45.43
2003 2349  183 57274 23464 42210 34140 32.36 47.08
2004 2443  188 59943 24493 45687 35979 33.20 48.77
2005 2517  211 64182 25852 47888 39359 34.44 52.44
2006 2603  223 69091 27338 50500 42821 35.94 56.29
2007 2543  225 76791 29056 52640 45209 37.57 58.45
2008 2388  218 80687 29953 54973 47128 38.20 60.10
2009 2341  224 89179 32926 59038 50367 41.44 63.39
2010 2387  216 95546 33575 62552 53227 41.65 66.03
2011 3459  207 100832 35638 65940 55429 43.75 68.05
2012 3511  224 106708 37442 70649 62194 45.53 75.63
2013 3729  222 114802 39694 73301 64864 47.69 77.93
2014 3749  224 120915 40715 77011 68685 48.33 81.53
2015 3724  229 126681 42499 82022 73313 49.75 85.83
2016 3806  243 137953 46791 87959 79037 53.75 90.80
2017 4058  243 145045 49747 90222 81747 55.41 91.05
2018 4598  255 156497 54134 95134 86011 36.32 57.71
2019 5093  269 168056 58671 100080 90940 38.33 59.41
2020 5550  289 177835 62329 101640 93067 33.26 49.66
2021 5814  291 187703 66204 106513 97117 35.20 51.63
NoteI. Since 2016, the health indicators have been counted according to the new National Health and Family Planning Survey system 2016. Among them, the number of doctors practising (assistant) doctors.
   II.The number of hospitals haven't included the township hospitals since 2004.
   III.In 2017 and previous yearsdoctors per 10000 population and hospital beds per 10000 population were caculated by the year-end registered population. Since 2018, they were caculated by the year-end 
    permanent population.

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