18-26 卫生事业其他指标
Other Indicators of Health Care
项    目   Item   2020 2021
人均卫生资源             Per Capita Health Resources         
 每万人口卫生机构床位数   (张)    Number of Hospital Beds per 10000 Population                    (unit)   54.24 56.62
 每万人口卫生技术人员数   (人)    Number of Medical Technical Personnel per 10000 Population      (person)   94.89 99.79
 每万人口执业(助理)医师数  (人)    Number of Certified (Assistant) Doctors per 10000 Population       (person)   33.26 35.20
 每万人口注册护士数     (人)    Number of Registered Nurses per 10000 Population               (person)   44.01 46.79
防病工作               Disease Prevention          
 甲、乙类传染病发病率  (1/10万)    Incidence Disease Rate of type A & B Infectious Disease  (per 100000 persons)   288.55 305.89
 甲、乙类传染病死亡率  (1/10万)    Death Rate of type A & B Infectious Diseases           (per 100000 persons)   0.63 0.68
 儿童计划免疫接种率      (%)    Planned Vaccination Rate of Children                              (%)      
  卡介苗基础免疫       (%)     BCG Basic Vaccination Rate                                       99.88 99.89
  脊髓灰质炎基础免疫     (%)     Poliovirus Basic Vaccination Rate                                   99.81 99.82
  百白破基础免疫       (%)     Pertussis, Diphtheria & Tetanus Basic Vaccination Rate                     99.83 99.83
  麻疹基础免疫        (%)     Measles Virus Basic Vaccination Rate                                99.82 99.84
  乙肝基础免疫        (%)     Hepatitis B Basic Vaccination Rate                                  99.81 99.78
  乙脑基础免疫        (%)     Encephalitis B Basic Vaccination Rate                               99.83 99.83
妇幼工作               Women and Children           
 孕产妇保健系统管理率     (%)    Management Rate of Maternity Health Care System                   (%)   97.29 97.24
 产前检查率          (%)    Medical Examination Rate before Birth                             (%)   98.64 98.54
 住院分娩率          (%)    Hospital Childbirth Rate                                        (%)   99.94 99.93
 3岁以下儿童系统管理率    (%)    Management Rate of Children System at 3 Years Old and below                                                                     (%)   96.51 94.21
 7岁以下儿童健康管理率    (%)    Management Rate of Children Health Care at 7 Years Old and below      (%)                                                                   99.31 98.81
 新生儿遗传代谢性疾病筛查率  (%)    Screening Rate of Neonatal Genetic and Metabolic Disease             (%)   99.80 99.76
 新生儿听力筛查率       (%)    Neonatal Hearing Screening Rate                                  (%)   99.28 99.30
 住院分娩出生缺陷发生率  (1/万)    Birth Defect Rate at Hospital Childbirth                       (1/10000)   233.28 270.76
 出生低体重儿发生率      (%)    Incidence Rate of Low Weight Infants at Birth                       (%)   6.00 6.96
 5岁以下儿童中重度营养不良       Incidence Rate from Medium and Serious Malnutrition of                    
  发生率           (%)     Children at 5 Years Old and below                                (%)   1.37 1.24
 围产儿死亡率        (‰)     Death Rate of Perinatal Children                                 (‰)   3.32 3.38
 孕产妇死亡率      (1/10万)     Death Rate of Pregnant and Lying-in Women         (per 100000 persons)   7.51 3.57
 婴儿死亡率         (‰)     Death Rate of Infant                                           (‰)   1.95 1.65
 5岁以下儿童死亡率      (‰)     Death Rate of Children at 5 Years Old and below                    (‰)   3.02 2.61
生命指标               Life Indicators         
 平均期望寿命        (岁)     Life Expectancy                                             (year)   82.90 83.18
  男 性                 Male                                                          80.09 80.43
  女 性                 Female                                                        85.81 86.01
NotesI. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission.
    II. Per capita health resources is calculated by annual resident population.
    III. The incidence disease rate and death rate of type A and B infections diseases are calculated by annual resident population.
    IV. Life expectancy is calculated according to the statistical yearbook of death.

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