

Foreign Economy and Tourism

  1. 15-1主要年份商品进出口总值和商品进出口总值指数
    Total Value and Indices of Import and Export Commodities in Main Years
  2. 15-1续表
  3. 15-2商品进出口总值(人民币计价)
    Total Value of Import and Export Commodities through Customs (Renminbi-denominated)
  4. 15-2续表
  5. 15-3商品进出口总值(美元计价)
    Total Value of Import and Export Commodities through Customs (U.S.dollar-denominated)
  6. 15-3续表
  7. 15-4主要进口商品数量和金额
    Main Import Commodities in Volume and Value
  8. 15-5主要出口商品数量和金额
    Main Export Commodities in Volume and Value
  9. 15-6进出口商品分类金额(按人民币计价)
    Value of Imports and Exports by Category of Commodities (Renminbi-denominated)
  10. 15-6续表 1
  11. 15-6续表 2
  12. 15-7进出口商品分类金额(按美元计价)
    Value of Imports and Exports by Category of Commodities (U.S.dollar-denominated)
  13. 15-7续表 1
  14. 15-7续表 2
  15. 15-8广州地区口岸进出口商品总值
    Commodity Value of Imports and Exports through Ports in Guangzhou Area
  16. 15-9技术进口情况
    General Technology Importation
  17. 15-10技术进口分类
    The Classification of Technology Importation
  18. 15-11历年利用外资情况
    Statistics on Utilization of Foreign Capital in Main Years
  19. 15-12历年利用外资项目(企业)个数、合同外资金额、实际使用外资金额指数(上年=100)
    Indices of Contracts Number, Contracted Foreign Capital and Foreign Capital Actually Used in Main Years (Preceding Year=100)
  20. 15-13外商直接投资情况
    Statistics on Foreign Direct Investment
  21. 15-14外商直接投资情况(按地区分)
    Statistics on Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment Capital (by Region)
  22. 15-15外商直接投资项目分类(2021年)
    Amount of Foreign Direct Investment Capital Actually Used by Category (2021)
  23. 15-15续表
  24. 15-16境外企业情况(2021年)
    Statistics on Overseas Enterprises Funded by Domestic Capital (2021)
  25. 15-16续表
  26. 15-17对外劳务合作业务情况(2021年)
    Statistics on Labor Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Territories (2021)
  27. 15-18主要年份对外经济合作业务情况
    Contracted Projects and Labor Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Territories in Main Years
  28. 15-19旅游业总收入、外汇收入情况(2021年)
    Total Income from Tourism and Foreign Exchange Earnings (2021)
  29. 15-20城市接待过夜旅游者情况
    Tourists Staying Overnight in Guangzhou
  30. 15-21主要宾馆(酒店)基本情况
    Statistics on Main Hotels
  31. 15-22旅行社基本情况
    Statistics on Travel Agencies
  32. 15-23主要年份人民币对主要外币年平均汇价
    Average Exchange Rates of RMB Against Main Convertible in Main Years
  33. 15-24外商投资企业及分支机构工商登记情况(2021年)
    Statistics on Foreign Funded Enterprises Registered by Departments of Industry and Commerce (2021)
  34. 15-25广州市与国外结成友好城市一览(2021年末)
    List of Foreign Friendly Cities with Guangzhou (Year-end of 2021)
  35. 15-26各国驻广州总领事馆一览(2021年末)
    List of Consulate General in Guangzhou (Year-end of 2021)
  36. 15-26续表