15-24 外商投资企业及分支机构工商登记情况(2021年)
Statistics on Foreign Funded Enterprises Registered by Departments of Industry and Commerce (2021)
单位:万美元 (USD 10000)
项   目 Item 年末户数 注册资本  
(个)   # 外 方
Number of Registered Capital
Enterprises Capital from
at Year-end   Foreign
(unit)   Partners
总  计 Total 34886 30440585 22905648
按国民经济行业分 By Sector      
农、林、牧、渔业 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishing 121 111839 106832
采矿业 Mining 5 146  
制造业 Manufacturing 3414 3894584 2424828
电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 Production and Supply of Electricity,Heat,Gas and Water 73 147482 118427
建筑业 Construction 282 578142 401430
批发和零售业 Wholesale and Retail Trade 14297 1212454 1031270
交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Post 947 261902 168775
住宿和餐饮业 Hotels and Catering Services 1947 96278 83951
信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology 1650 934854 682741
金融业 Financial Intermediation 434 986865 410751
房地产业 Real Estate 1356 3908872 3295018
租赁和商务服务业 Leasing and Business Services 6752 16009226 12461122
科学研究和技术服务业 Scientific Research and Technical Services 2851 1994579 1503504
水利、环境和公共设施管理业 Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities 25 19128 10669
居民服务、修理和其他服务业 Service to Households, Repair and Other Services 195 62578 59532
教育 Education 21 419 347
卫生和社会工作 Health and Social Service 31 75948 12170
文化、体育和娱乐业 Culture, Sports and Entertainment 483 145123 134113
其他 Others 2 166 166
Note: The number of enterprises loctated in Guangzhou but registered in Guangdong Provincial Administration for Market Regulation is excluded.

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