15-1 主要年份商品进出口总值和商品进出口总值指数
Total Value and Indices of Import and Export Commodities in Main Years

进出口总值     进出口差额 进出口总值指数    
  (亿美元)     (亿美元) (上年=100)    
年 份 Total Value     Balance Indices of Total    
Year of Imports 进口总值 出口总值 (USD 100 Imports and 进口总值 出口总值
  and Exports Imports Exports million) Exports (preceding Imports Exports
  (USD 100 million)       year=100)    
1988 32.25 17.66 14.59 -3.07 148.5 154.0 142.4
1989 35.32 17.62 17.70 0.08 109.5 99.8 121.3
1990 41.79 18.24 23.55 5.31 118.3 103.5 133.0
1991 53.82 24.40 29.42 5.02 128.8 133.8 125.0
1992 70.75 33.88 36.87 2.99 131.5 138.8 125.3
1993 134.33 69.84 64.49 -5.35 189.9 206.2 174.9
1994 161.36 74.67 86.69 12.02 120.1 106.9 134.4
1995 166.99 71.32 95.67 24.35 103.5 95.5 110.4
1996 166.89 75.53 91.36 15.83 99.9 105.9 95.5
1997 187.46 81.51 105.95 24.44 112.3 107.9 116.0
1998 178.77 75.39 103.38 27.99 95.4 92.5 97.6
1999 191.85 93.18 98.67 5.49 107.3 123.6 95.4
2000 233.51 115.60 117.91 2.31 121.7 124.1 119.5
2001 230.37 114.13 116.24 2.11 98.7 98.7 98.6
2002 279.27 141.49 137.78 -3.71 121.2 124.0 118.5
2003 349.41 180.52 168.89 -11.63 125.1 127.6 122.6
2004 447.88 233.14 214.74 -18.40 128.2 129.2 127.2
2005 534.75 268.07 266.68 -1.39 119.4 115.0 124.2
2006 637.62 313.85 323.77 9.92 119.2 117.1 121.4
2007 734.94 355.91 379.03 23.12 115.3 113.4 117.1
2008 818.73 389.47 429.26 39.79 111.4 109.4 113.3
2009 766.85 392.82 374.03 -18.79 93.7 100.9 87.1
2010 1037.68 553.89 483.79 -70.10 135.3 141.0 129.3
2011 1161.68 596.94 564.74 -32.20 112.0 107.8 116.7
2012 1171.67 582.52 589.15 6.63 100.9 97.6 104.3
2013 1188.96 560.89 628.07 67.18 101.5 96.3 106.6
2014 1305.90 578.77 727.13 148.36 109.8 103.2 115.8
2015 1338.68 527.01 811.67 284.66 102.5 91.1 111.6
2016 1293.09 511.32 781.77 270.45 96.6 97.0 96.3
2017 1432.50 579.30 853.20 273.90 110.8 113.3 109.1
2018 1485.05 636.55 848.50 211.95 103.7 109.9 99.4
2019 1450.19 687.96 762.23 74.27 97.7 108.1 89.8
2020 1376.12 593.94 782.18 188.24 94.8 86.2 102.6
2021 1674.52 698.33 976.19 277.86 121.6 117.4 124.8

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