15-6 续表2 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项    目 Item 2020 2021
进 口 出 口 进 口 出 口
Imports Exports Imports Exports
 伞、杖、鞭及零件   Umbrellas, Canes, Whips and Accessories 386 15566 309 21293
 加工羽毛、羽绒及制品、人造花、人发制品   Processed Feathers and Related Products, Artificial Flowers and Wigs 1109 194544 2577 222396
第十三类 石材制品、陶瓷产品、玻璃及其制品 Stone Products,Leramics,Glass and Glossware 253002 1609292 226069 1478132
 石材制品   Stone and Related Products 40658 361573 41547 292340
 陶瓷产品   Ceramics 17622 824508 19946 698301
 玻璃及其制品   Glass and Glassware 194723 423212 164577 487491
第十四类 珠宝首饰、硬币 Jewellery and Coins 1857587 1639047 3357057 2762576
 珠宝首饰   Jewellery  1857587 1639047 3357057 2762576
第十五类 贱金属及其制品 Base Metals and Related Products 2723704 3876838 3542925 4267556
 钢 铁   Iron and Steel 1070670 294560 1156830 438984
 钢铁制品   Iron and Steel Products 272418 1731288 266276 1779425
 铜及其制品   Copper and Related Products 772621 148925 1108662 193802
 镍及其制品   Nickel and Related Products 186452 4597 195376 1785
 铝及其制品   Aluminum and Related Products 214953 385746 564484 533524
 铅及其制品   Lead and Related Products 1064 61 683 182
 锌及其制品   Zinc and Related Products 14879 1683 15393 1827
 锡及其制品   Tin and Related Products 20042 30457 21402 10888
 其他贱金属、金属陶瓷及其制品   Other Base Metals, Metal Ceramics and Related Products 37196 10193 58145 18693
 贱金属工具、器具、利口器、餐具及零件   Base Metal Tools, Implements, Cutlery, Tableware and Related Parts  87695 363331 94627 392576
 贱金属杂项制品   Miscellaneous Products of Base Metals 45714 905997 61047 895869
第十六类 机械、电气设备、电视机及音响设备 Machinery, Electric Equipment, Television Sets and Sound Appliances 9639256 14613373 9210154 17114809
 核反应堆、锅炉、机械设备及零件   Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Mechanical Equipment and Accessories 4216525 5709598 3617292 6422937
 机电、电气设备、电视机及音响设备   Machinery and Electric Equipment, Television Sets and Sound Appliances 5422731 8903775 5592862 10691872
第十七类 车辆、航空器、船舶及有关运输设备 Locomotives, Vehicles, Aircraft, Ships and Related Transportation Equipment  3080194 3441264 2939257 4562592
 铁道及电车机车、车辆及零件   Railway Locomotives, Tramcars and Accessories 816 119275 4138 403771
 车辆及零附件(铁道车辆除外)   Vehicles and Related Parts and Accessories (excluding railway locomotives) 1810192 2497047 1907932 2737636
 航空器、航天器及零件   Aircraft, Spacecraft and Related Parts  1257168 42862 1017871 68961
 船舶及浮动结构体   Ships and Related Products 12017 782080 9315 1352224
第十八类 仪器、医疗器械、钟表及乐器 Instruments, Medical Instruments and Equipment, Clocks and Musical Instruments 4139980 3326483 4145108 3861906
 光学、照相电影、计量检验、医疗仪器设备   Optical, Photographic, Film, Measuring and Checking, Medical Instruments and Equipments 3884076 3104389 3941838 3585842
 钟表及零件   Clocks and Related Parts  240214 150109 190036 169583
 乐器及零附件   Musical Instruments and Related Parts and Accessories  15690 71985 13234 106481
第十九类 武器、弹药及其零件、附件 Arms and Ammunition, Parts and Accessories thereof 1294 493 521 979
第二十类 杂项制品 Miscellaneous Products  452185 5963594 408965 5833388
 家具、床上用品、照明装置、活动房   Furniture, Bed Articles, Lighting Apparatus and Luminous Signs  95729 3644615 76157 3469234
 玩具、游戏、运动用品及零附件   Toys, Games and Sports Goods and Related Parts and Accessories 131751 1969612 167902 1964740
 杂项制品   Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 224705 349366 164907 399414
第二十一类 艺术品、收藏品及古物 Works of Art, Collector's Pieces and Antiques  13368 83 49799 35371
第二十二类 特殊交易品及未分类商品 Special Commodities and Unclassified Commodities  776248 1523278 760414 2100442

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