15-1 续表 continue

进出口总值     进出口差额 进出口总值指数    
  (亿元)     (亿元) (上年=100)    
年 份 Total Value       Indices of Total    
Year of Imports 进口总值 出口总值 Balance Imports and 进口总值 出口总值
  and Exports Imports Exports (RMB 100 Exports (preceding Imports Exports
  (RMB 100 million)     million) year=100)    
2014 8022.80 3555.15 4467.65 912.50 108.7 102.2 114.6
2015 8306.28 3271.71 5034.57 1762.86 103.5 92.0 112.7
2016 8541.02 3382.26 5158.76 1776.50 102.8 103.4 102.5
2017 9715.52 3923.09 5792.43 1869.34 113.8 116.0 112.3
2018 9811.59 4204.09 5607.50 1403.41 101.0 107.2 96.8
2019 10001.04 4742.68 5258.36 515.68 101.9 112.8 93.8
2020 9531.92 4108.57 5423.35 1314.78 95.2 86.5 103.1
2021 10824.94 4513.68 6311.26 1797.58 113.5 109.6 116.4
Note: In order to improve the customs statistical data publication system, since 2014 the General Administration of Customs has announced all kinds of Customs Statistics in RMB.

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