15-12 历年利用外资项目(企业)个数、合同外资金额、实际使用外资金额指数(上年=100)
Indices of Contracts Number, Contracted Foreign Capital and Foreign Capital Actually Used in Main Years
 (Preceding Year=100)
  项目(企业)   合同外资金额   实际使用  
  个数 # 外商直接投资 Amount of # 外商直接投资 外资金额 # 外商直接投资
  Number of Foreign Contracted Foreign Amount of Foreign
Year Contracts Direct Foreign Direct Foreign Capital Direct
    Investment Capital Investment Actually Used Investment
1980 250.3 300.0 1080.5 1258.6 306.2 780.0
1985 97.2 163.8 344.8 272.3 101.3 79.7
1986 46.9 35.9 48.0 57.3 113.8 89.7
1987 110.1 121.2 84.7 68.9 47.7 59.7
1988 93.4 229.4 184.7 193.1 316.3 261.1
1989 100.1 101.0 109.7 101.9 161.9 189.3
1990 127.8 133.2 95.9 117.7 62.1 67.7
1991 98.8 146.8 157.9 149.7 148.6 139.4
1992 109.2 208.9 538.3 636.6 184.1 220.3
1993 89.6 106.9 149.6 152.0 197.1 224.8
1994 111.0 149.5 100.7 100.3 139.3 141.2
1995 88.2 93.1 96.6 98.2 110.0 118.2
1996 69.9 48.8 74.4 66.5 115.4 108.7
1997 171.0 76.4 43.1 38.0 111.3 106.4
1998 32.2 97.3 111.4 113.8 105.2 109.5
1999 106.8 83.5 70.5 73.2 104.3 110.0
2000 137.2 120.5 94.6 108.1 98.1 100.1
2001 75.2 104.8 122.7 128.5 106.8 100.4
2002 108.3 114.5 174.1 170.4 110.6 110.2
2003 102.3 112.1 127.0 116.1 115.5 113.0
2004 125.1 120.2 127.7 125.6 164.8 164.4
2005 106.2 101.4 109.4 106.2 114.7 110.3
2006 91.6 96.6 126.7 129.1 107.5 110.4
2007 99.7 93.6 154.2 160.2 111.7 112.4
2008 94.4 103.3 84.5 84.1 110.6 110.3
2009 74.2 85.2 64.3 63.9 102.7 104.2
2010 114.5 116.1 130.2 131.4 105.3 105.4
2011 108.8 115.7 135.2 135.7 107.2 107.3
2012 94.6 96.6 101.4 100.8 108.4 107.1
2013 104.5 99.7 105.9 104.6 107.1 105.0
2014 105.2 105.8 112.7 113.0 107.1 106.3
2015   123.7   104.0   106.1
2016   123.0   118.4   105.3
2017   140.0   135.3   110.3
2018   218.6   298.4   105.1
2019   64.1   98.9   108.1
2020   78.2   58.3   105.4
2020*(人民币 RMB)   78.2   59.6   107.5
2021*(人民币 RMB)   150.2       110.0
Notes: I.The coverage of amount of contracted foreign  capital and  foreign capital actually used were adjusted in 20022004 and 2020, the indices of  which being calculated on the same coverage.
           II.* indicates that the data of the corresponding row is measured in RMB (unit: ten thousand yuan).

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