15-6 进出口商品分类金额(按人民币计价)
Value of Imports and Exports by Category of Commodities (Renminbi-denominated)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项     目 Item 2020 2021
进 口 出 口 进 口 出 口
Imports Exports Imports Exports
合  计                 Total                                                                     41085669 54233503 45136798 63112575
第一类 活动物、动物产品          Live Animals & Animal Products                                              991941 90251 1139085 60601
 活动物                   Live Animals                                                             214 62172 283 35048
 肉及食用杂碎                Meat and Edible Haslets                                                    456236 18063 545202 20827
 水产品                   Aquatic Products                                                          232885 3952 316084 944
 乳品、蛋品、天然蜂蜜、其他食用动物产品   Dairy Products, Eggs, Natural Honey and Other Edible Animal Products              294153 5816 261573 3319
 其他动物产品                Other Animal Products                                                     8453 248 15943 463
第二类 植物产品             Vegetables Products                                                         1078571 138374 1626433 128407
 树苗及花草                 Saplings, Flowers and Herbs                                                 11826 1312 14854 2019
 蔬 菜                   Edible Vegetables                                                         101355 50672 41278 27524
 水果及坚果                 Fruits and Nuts                                                           214733 5142 309717 4617
 咖啡、茶叶及调味香料            Coffee, Tea and Spices                                                     30035 19301 59900 28579
 谷 物                   Cereals                                                                  548416 1 998489  
 制粉工业产品                Flour,Starch and Related Prouducts                                           18448 24639 28412 30236
 植物油籽、果实、种子、药材及饲料      Oil Seeds and Kernels and Oleaginous Fruits, Seeds, Plants for Medicinal Use and Forge 124439 15898 140117 14011
 虫胶、树胶、树脂              Shellacs, Gums and Resins                                                  20943 12249 26170 10736
 编结植物材料、其他植物产品         Vegetable Plaiting Materials and Other Vegetable Products                         8376 9159 7495 10686
第三类 动、植物油脂及蜡          Animal Fat ,Vegetable Oils and Waxes                                          262785 60706 372391 94766
 动、植物油脂及蜡              Animal and Vegetable Oils, Fats and Waxes                                     262785 60706 372391 94766
第四类 食品、烟草及制品          Food, Tobacco and Related Products                                            2433620 405806 2310773 416185
 动物产品制品                Animal Products                                                          10820 18908 16877 17316
 糖及糖食                  Sugar and Sugar Confectionery                                               80837 43694 107404 46416
 可可及可可制品               Cocoa and Cocoa Products                                                  18222 3335 22881 3441
 粮食及乳制品、糕饼点心           Grain, Milk and Pastry Products                                              1347577 97925 1084316 129602
 蔬菜、水果等植物制品            Vegetable and Fruit Products                                                61329 17981 66413 13386
 杂项食品                  Miscellaneous Edible Preparation                                             555597 88383 609726 90514
 饮料、酒及醋                Beverages, Liquor and Vinegar                                               186602 31738 169715 25402
 食品的残渣、动物饲料            Residues and Waste from Food and Animal Fodder                               162829 84355 232668 77584
 烟草及烟草制品               Tobacco and Tobacco Products                                               9806 19487 773 12523
第五类 矿产品              Mineral                                                                   3535941 1110649 4527251 1076423
 盐、硫磺、建筑材料             Salt, Sulfur and Building Materials                                           50076 11683 92099 7964
 矿砂、矿渣及矿灰              Ore, Slag and Mortar                                                       468348 768 743120 821
 矿物燃料、矿物油及产品           Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and Related Products                                3017517 1098199 3692033 1067638
第六类 化工产品             Chemicals                                                                 4644176 2073457 4958164 2278284
 无机化学品                 Inorganic Chemicals                                                       177996 122904 226574 166620
 有机化学品                 Organic Chemicals                                                        689409 228150 896978 345296
 药 品                  Medicinal and Pharmaceuticaland Products                                      1415821 151833 1526178 232346
 肥 料                   Fertilizers                                                                2587 4920 420 20552
 鞣料、染料浸膏、染料、颜料、油漆、油墨   Tanning and Dyeing Extracts, Coloring and Dyeing Materials, Paint and Printing Ink    164814 140630 191779 172154

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