15-7 续表2 continued
单位:万美元 (USD 10000)
项    目 Item 2020 2021
进 口 出 口 进 口 出 口
Imports Exports Imports Exports
 伞、杖、鞭及零件   Umbrellas, Canes, Whips and Accessories 55 2246 48 3295
 加工羽毛、羽绒及制品、人造花、人发制品   Processed Feathers and Related Products, Artificial Flowers and Wigs 159 27899 400 34358
第十三类 石材制品、陶瓷产品、玻璃及其制品 Stone Products,Leramics,Glass and Glossware 36420 231333 34948 228271
 石材制品   Stone and Related Products 5876 51883 6428 45178
 陶瓷产品   Ceramics 2576 118483 3082 107720
 玻璃及其制品   Glass and Glassware 27968 60967 25439 75373
第十四类 珠宝首饰、硬币 Jewellery and Coins 269936 238203 519911 427942
 珠宝首饰   Jewellery  269936 238203 519911 427942
第十五类 贱金属及其制品 Base Metals and Related Products 392895 558710 548493 659735
 钢 铁   Iron and Steel 154300 42568 178903 67841
 钢铁制品   Iron and Steel Products 39281 249289 41139 275047
 铜及其制品   Copper and Related Products 111494 21642 171741 30003
 镍及其制品   Nickel and Related Products 26984 665 30277 276
 铝及其制品   Aluminum and Related Products 30942 55649 87567 82527
 铅及其制品   Lead and Related Products 153 9 106 28
 锌及其制品   Zinc and Related Products 2152 243 2377 283
 锡及其制品   Tin and Related Products 2914 4365 3320 1686
 其他贱金属、金属陶瓷及其制品   Other Base Metals, Metal Ceramics and Related Products 5410 1478 9005 2900
 贱金属工具、器具、利口器、餐具及零件   Base Metal Tools, Implements, Cutlery, Tableware and Related Parts  12658 52377 14619 60710
 贱金属杂项制品   Miscellaneous Products of Base Metals 6606 130424 9440 138433
第十六类 机械、电气设备、电视机及音响设备 Machinery, Electric Equipment, Television Sets and Sound Appliances 1391062 2110257 1424368 2647770
 核反应堆、锅炉、机械设备及零件   Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Mechanical Equipment and Accessories 608282 823488 559101 993302
 机电、电气设备、电视机及音响设备   Machinery and Electric Equipment, Television Sets and Sound Appliances 782780 1286769 865267 1654468
第十七类 车辆、航空器、船舶及有关运输设备 Locomotives, Vehicles, Aircraft, Ships and Related Transportation Equipment  448884 496440 454575 705781
 铁道及电车机车、车辆及零件   Railway Locomotives, Tramcars and Accessories 120 17426 639 62536
 车辆及零附件(铁道车辆除外)   Vehicles and Related Parts and Accessories (excluding railway locomotives) 260820 360093 294756 423222
 航空器、航天器及零件   Aircraft, Spacecraft and Related Parts  186209 6195 157739 10661
 船舶及浮动结构体   Ships and Related Products 1735 112726 1441 209363
第十八类 仪器、医疗器械、钟表及乐器 Instruments, Medical Instruments and Equipment, Clocks and Musical Instruments 598892 480338 641315 597557
 光学、照相电影、计量检验、医疗仪器设备   Optical, Photographic, Film, Measuring and Checking, Medical Instruments and Equipments 561814 448276 609940 554832
 钟表及零件   Clocks and Related Parts  34806 21663 29329 26250
 乐器及零附件   Musical Instruments and Related Parts and Accessories  2271 10399 2047 16474
第十九类 武器、弹药及其零件、附件 Arms and Ammunition, Parts and Accessories thereof 190 73 80 152
第二十类 杂项制品 Miscellaneous Products  65282 858092 63252 901786
 家具、床上用品、照明装置、活动房   Furniture, Bed Articles, Lighting Apparatus and Luminous Signs  13851 524730 11771 536142
 玩具、游戏、运动用品及零附件   Toys, Games and Sports Goods and Related Parts and Accessories 19076 282966 25980 303869
 杂项制品   Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 32355 50396 25501 61774
第二十一类 艺术品、收藏品及古物 Works of Art, Collector's Pieces and Antiques  1913 12 7692 5539
第二十二类 特殊交易品及未分类商品 Special Commodities and Unclassified Commodities  112119 219326 116682 323981

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