15-3 商品进出口总值(美元计价)
Total Value of Import and Export Commodities through Customs (U.S.dollar-denominated)
单位:万美元 (USD10000)
项    目 Item 2020 2021
合 计     合 计    
Total 进 口 出 口 Total 进 口 出 口
(by USD) Imports Exports (by USD) Imports Exports
总  计 Total  13761247 5939398 7821849 16745149 6983278 9761871
按贸易方式分 By Trade Form            
 一般贸易 Ordinary Trade 7061597 3663684 3397912 9235196 4346229 4888967
 国家间、国际组织无偿援助和赠送的物资  Free Assistance and Donated Materials between Countries/International Organizations 1257 16 1241 859 121 738
 其他捐赠物资  Other Donated Materials 6323 1658 4666 128 1 128
 补偿贸易  Compensation Trade            
 来料加工装配贸易  Processing and Assembling Trade with Foreign-Supplied Materials 628672 283268 345404 992863 470564 522299
 进料加工贸易  Processing Trade with Imported Materials 2174389 848530 1325859 2537574 989736 1547838
 寄售、代销贸易  Consignment sale, selling goods on commission 1 1   30 30  
 边境小额贸易  Frontier Petty Trade            
 加工贸易进口设备  Processing Trade Imported Equipment 533 533   889 889  
 对外承包工程出口货物  Exports for Overseas Contracted Projects 3785   3785 13539   13539
 租赁贸易  Leasing Trade 2678 2673 5 8051 7653 398
 外商投资企业作为投资进口的设备、物品  Imported Equipment/Articles Invested by Foreign-Funded Enterprises  84801 84801   24519 24519  
 出料加工贸易  Outward Processing Trade 2438 1301 1137 470 391 79
 保税监管场所进出境货物  Entry and Exit Goods in Bonded Control Areas 573644 406149 167495 577393 372092 205301
 海关特殊监管区域物流货物  Logistic Goods by Customs Special Control Areas 677157 530973 146183 877642 650878 226764
 易货贸易  Barter Trade 1   1      
 特殊监管区域进口设备  Imported equipment in special regulatory areas 713 713   388 388  
 其他贸易  Others 2543258 115099 2428159 2475606 119787 2355820
按登记注册类型分 Grouped by Registration Status            
 国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 1563084 823524 739560 1770125 996779 773347
 集体企业  Collective-owned Enterprises 46585 23038 23547 32191 15047 17145
 外商及港澳台投资企业  Enterprises with Funds from Foreign Countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 5034534 2690345 2344189 5974148 3017798 2956350
  合资企业   Joint-venture Enterprises 1737654 963963 773691 2116626 967589 1149037
  合作企业   Cooperative Enterprises 70261 19822 50439 96269 33697 62572
  外资企业   Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 3226619 1706560 1520059 3761254 2016513 1744741
 私营企业  Private Enterprises 6970284 2310112 4660172 8812164 2861676 5950489
 其他企业  Others  145587 92261 53326 155383 91946 63438
 个体工商户  Individual Operating Households 1173 119 1055 1136 33 1103

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