15-4 主要进口商品数量和金额
Main Import Commodities in Volume and Value
            2020 2021
商 品 名 称   Name of Commodities   数 量 金 额(万美元) 金 额(万元) 数 量 金 额(万美元) 金 额(万元)
            Volume Value(USD 10000 ) Value (10000 yuan ) Volume Value(USD 10000 ) Value (10000 yuan )
干鲜瓜果及坚果              (吨)   Fresh or Dried Fruits and Nuts                              (ton)   99996 27624 191947 142801 44689 289581
乳 品                  (吨)   Dairy                                                  (ton)   198259 185984 1291137 165519 156449 1011271
谷物及谷物粉               (吨)   Cereals and Cereal Flour                                   (ton)   3037357 79964 555128 4865734 156679 1011539
大 豆                  (吨)   Soybeans                                               (ton)   6525 250 1717 10447 573 3722
食用植物油                (吨)   Edible Vegetable Oil                                      (ton)   243721 17463 121332 248610 26490 171178
原 木                  (吨)   Logs                                                  (ton)   877502 19721 137000 1049564 25476 164818
铁矿砂及其精矿              (吨)   Iron Ore and Concentrates                                 (ton)   4989502 51802 357785 6057988 91772 593859
煤及褐煤                 (吨)   Coal and Lignite                                         (ton)   14157371 70452 490527 23509770 213101 1376227
成品油                  (吨)   Refined Petroleum Products                                (ton)   747340 35611 248105 475051 35246 227314
初级形状的塑料              (吨)   Plastics in Primary Form                                   (ton)   2684930 367060 2540940 2300031 429994 2777314
牛皮革及马皮革              (吨)   Bovine or Equine Leather                                  (ton)   31647 9951 68903 22492 12212 78964
棉纱线                  (吨)   Cotton Yarn                                            (ton)   113041 27672 191123 113970 34987 226274
合成纤维纱线               (吨)   Yarn of Synthetic Fibers                                   (ton)   14063 9513 65729 13189 11240 72573
钻 石                 (千克)   Diamonds                                               (kg)   500 141017 969084 882 260295 1679981
钢 材                  (吨)   Steel Products                                           (ton)   1482589 118747 822932 1538884 157670 1019663
未锻轧铜及铜材              (吨)   Unwrought Copper and Copper Products                      (ton)   157755 108981 755267 167436 164667 1062962
未锻轧铝及铝材              (吨)   Unwrought Aluminium and Aluminium Products               (ton)   130174 28067 195042 276055 79774 514092
印刷、装订机械及其零件            Printing or Book-binding Machinery and Parts                       41037 285270   30089 194406
自动数据处理设备及其零部件          Automatic Data Processing Equipment and Components                 21405 148273   19612 126760
制造平板显示器用的机器及装置       (台)   Machines and Devices for the Manufacture of Flat Display        (set)   509 63290 438250 165 18351 118955
电容器                  (吨)   Capacitors and Parts                                      (ton)   2158 20720 143418 2663 27708 179007
印刷电路               (百万块)   Printed Circuit                                   (10 000 units)   516 31725 219834 398 30235 195292
二极管及类似半导体器件        (百万个)   Diode and Similar Semiconductor Devi               (million units)   9850 51825 358447 12908 66001 426413
集成电路               (百万个)   Integrated Circuits                                (1 million pcs)   7412 285032 1977496 12729 310731 2007971
电线和电缆                (吨)   Electric Wires and Cables                                  (ton)   4499 9901 68445 5709 13608 87901
汽车零配件                  Automotive Components and Parts         305322 2118206   296514 1921030
飞机及其他航空器             (架)   Aircraft                                               (unit)   25 168295 1133130 13 136273 879254
液晶显示板               (万个)   LCD Panels                                     (10 000 units)   9129 207661 1436954 7734 254063 1640930
医疗仪器及器械                Medical devices             49470 340903   60345 390181
计量检测分析自控仪器及器具          Measuring or Checking Instruments and Apparatus                   220238 1522184   205382 1327880
塑料制品                 (吨)   Plastic Articles                                          (ton)   61380 70560 488567 72066 90436 584841
天然气                  (吨)   Natural Gas                                             (ton)   1217259 23846 165035 1972858 140056 900983
纸浆、纸及其制品             (吨)   Paper Pulp and Related Products                            (ton)   1100345 60096 416400 918475 64686 417881
医药材及药品               (吨)   Pharmaceuticals                                         (ton)   11225 209280 1447563 9056 243595 1572336
天然及合成橡胶 (包括胶乳)         (吨)   Natural Rubber and Synthetic Rubber  (ton)   145734 22291 154289 124540 24104 155672
珍珠、宝石及半宝石              Pearl, Precious and Semi-Precious Stones         155277 1067619   277789 1792960
美容化妆品及洗护用品           (吨)   Cosmetics  (ton)   50323 158351 1097304 39192 144122 932707
酒类及饮料                  Alchol and Soft Drinks         27797 192338   27611 178504

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