15-11 历年利用外资情况
Statistics on Utilization of Foreign Capital in Main Years
  项目(企业)   合同外资金额   实际使用外资金额  
      (万美元)   (万美元)  
年 份 (个) # 外商直接投资 Amount of # 外商直接投资 Amount of # 外商直接投资
Year Number of Foreign Direct Contracted Foreign Direct Foreign Capital Foreign Direct
  Contracts Investment Foreign Capital Investment Actually Used Investment
  (unit)   (USD 10000)   (USD 10000)  
1978 2   53      
1980 1379 21 24905 24794 3013 1287
1985 4394 290 70175 51575 15782 10389
1986 2062 104 33668 29569 17966 9316
1987 2271 126 28510 20374 8574 5562
1988 2120 289 52650 39338 27119 14521
1989 2121 292 57778 40101 43892 27481
1990 2711 389 55426 47183 27263 18613
1991 2678 571 87517 70635 40519 25938
1992 2925 1193 471080 449654 74595 57135
1993 2620 1275 704764 683634 147028 128464
1994 2907 1906 709683 685763 204816 181403
1995 2564 1774 685657 673101 225298 214444
1996 1793 865 510301 447393 260002 233153
1997 3066 661 219922 169824 289379 248003
1998 986 643 245058 193178 304467 271608
1999 1053 537 172808 141377 317600 298687
2000 1445 647 163454 152759 311541 298923
2001 1087 678 200604 196229 332746 300119
2002 1177 776 316579 302322 265299 228386
2003 1204 870 402176 351117 306409 258076
2004 1506 1046 334767 320494 247696 240062
2005 1599 1061 366155 340205 284128 264882
2006 1465 1025 463987 439124 305477 292339
2007 1460 959 715269 703506 341138 328579
2008 1378 991 604536 591864 377413 362277
2009 1022 844 388633 378401 387476 377339
2010 1170 980 505928 497384 408121 397862
2011 1273 1134 683809 674734 437626 427009
2012 1204 1095 693071 680188 474312 457485
2013 1258 1092 734009 711428 507853 480385
2014 1324 1155 827560 803975 543905 510707
2015   1429   836335   541634
2016   1757   990123   570120
2017   2459   1339133   628947
2018   5376   3995880   661108
2019   3446   3952881   714349
2020   2695   2223369   708498
2020*(人民币 RMB)   2695   15453892   4937180
2021*(人民币 RMB)   4048       5432585
Notes: I. The amount of contracted foreign capital and foreign capital actually used are calculated at current coverage.
     II. Recording to the statistical system,the only statistical indicator is foreign direct investment instead of other foreign invest since 2015.
     III.The actual amount of foreign direct investment will be adjusted to the statistical caliber of the Ministry of Commerce from 2020.
     IIII.* indicates that the data of the corresponding row is measured in RMB (unit: ten thousand yuan).

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