15-7 续表1 continued
单位:万美元 (USD 10000)
项     目 Item 2020 2021
进 口 出 口 进 口 出 口
Imports Exports Imports Exports
 化妆品及其原料、芳香料制品          Cosmetics and Related Products, Perfumed Materials              168712 64736 150347 78451
 洗涤用品                   Detergents                               37835 40760 50907 45593
 蛋白类物质、改性淀粉、胶、酶         Protein Materials, Modified Starches, Glues and Enzymes            20366 22091 24131 23862
 炸药、烟火制品、易燃材料制品         Explosives, Pyrotechnic Products and Combustible Products             1678 1 491
 照相及电影用品                Photographic and Cinematographic Goods                  11974 2358 17240 2332
 杂项化学产品                 Miscellaneous Chemical Products                      77910 73762 84658 56776
第七类 塑料、橡胶及其制品           Plastics, Rubber and Related Products                     487630 440012 572476 564588
 塑料及其制品                 Plastics and Related Products                        436658 396823 519527 504633
 橡胶及其制品                 Rubber and Related Products                        50971 43189 52950 59955
第八类 皮革、毛皮及其制品、旅行用品、手提包  Leather, Furs Skins and Related Products, Travel Articles and Handbags       27216 197041 32976 263613
 生皮及皮革                  Raw Hides and Leather                          12507 253 14643 526
 皮革制品、旅行用品及手提包          Leather Products, Travel Articles and Handbags                11171 196482 13822 262640
 毛皮、人造毛皮及制品             Furs Shins, Artificial Furs Manufactures Thereof                3538 307 4510 448
第九类 木及木制品、草柳编结品         Wood and Wooden Products, Straw and Wicker Plaited Products          39239 12452 43455 18637
 木及木制品、木炭               Wood and Wooden Products, Charcoal                    39158 11563 43250 17367
 软木及软木制品                Cork and Related Products                         64 26 152 24
 草柳编结品                  Straw and Wicker Plaited Products                     17 863 54 1246
第十类 木浆、纸、纸板及制品          Wood Paper Pulp, Paper, Paperboard and Related Products             80231 94514 77353 103231
 木浆及其他纤维素浆、废碎纸板         Paper Pulp and Cellulose, Waste Paperboard                  28070 248 22802 471
 纸及纸板、纸浆、纸制品            Paper and Paperboard, Articles of Paper Pulp and Paper Products         41635 75225 44674 81949
 书籍、印刷品、设计图纸            Books, Printed Matter and Design Drawings                  10526 19041 9877 20810
第十一类 纺织原料及纺织制品          Textile Materials and Products                        98828 1082491 121599 1386889
 蚕 丝                    Natural Silk                               128 695 209 919
 羊毛、动物毛、毛纱线及制品          Wool, Animal Hair and Woolen Woven Fabrics                744 176 950 255
 棉花及制品                  Cotton and Related Products                        29573 21744 38628 14850
 其他纺织纤维、纸纱线及机织物         Other Textile Fiber, Yarn and Related Woven Fabrics              1241 113 1261 252
 化学纤维长丝                 Chemical Fiber, Continuous Filament                    13775 12647 16126 12261
 化学纤维短丝                 Chemical Fiber, Staple Fiber                        8391 6747 8077 7712
 絮胎、毡尼及无纺物、特种纱线、线绳索缆    Wadding, Felt and Adhesive-Bond Fabrics, Special Yarn, Thread, Rope and Cable  6800 24960 4585 28924
 地毯及纺织铺地制品              Carpets and Related Products                        166 6492 172 8078
 特种机织物、纺织装饰品、刺绣品        Special Woven Fabrics, Textile Trimmings and Embroidery            1266 19414 1745 25205
 浸渍、涂布、包覆或层压的纺织物        Soaked, Coated or Overlapping Textiles                   4622 22186 4996 27705
 针织物及钩编织物               Knitwear and Crocheted Fabrics                      4194 84524 4429 107107
 针织或钩编的服装及衣着附件          Knitted or Crocheted Garments and Clothing Accessories            10258 259060 17983 459289
 非针织或非钩编的服装及衣着附件        Garments and Clothing Accessories Not Knitted or Crocheted           11253 423059 21207 632860
 其他纺织制成品、成套物品           Other Textile Products                          6417 200675 1232 61473
第十二类 鞋帽伞杖、加工羽毛、人造花、人发制品 Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas, Canes, Processed Feather, Artificial Flowers and Wigs 18394 240934 12822 299016
 鞋类及零件                  Footwear and Accessories                         17568 202631 11867 249304
 帽类及零件                  Headgear and Accessories                         612 8158 508 12059

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