15-18 主要年份对外经济合作业务情况
Contracted Projects and Labor Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Territories in Main Years
  新签合同数 合同额 完成营业额 派出人数 年末在外人数
年 份 (个) (万美元) (万美元) (人次) (人)
  Number of Contracts Contracted Turnover Persons Sent Persons Abroad
Year Newly Signed Value (USD 10000) Abroad at Year-end
  (unit) (USD 10000)   (person-times) (person)
1985 201 189 189 113 113
1990 1005 1887 1072 994 1201
1995 806 6632 5810 1473 2893
2000 4989 10588 7288 684 1833
2001 6317 8186 7487 1088 2247
2002 6577 7837 9115 2390 3378
2003 9089 10737 10919 3237 4080
2004 9728 13047 13247 3530 4456
2005 11815 16490 16237 3556 5001
2006 13611 19691 18093 3784 5011
2007 13615 23174 21365 4503 5962
2008 19872 30362 32037 4844 7912
2009 20457 40527 38827 5187 8142
2010 47416 81878 47187 6685 8970
2011   43928 24765 8795 11790
2012   44553 28856 9867 13770
2013   51373 36696 11282 16617
2014   62866 57141 15292 24368
2015   90214 85491 16117 24375
2016   53840 45606 17887 25014
2017   59285 39262 20493 39496
2018   49532 36814 26326 37848
2019   58946 38138 21432 38026
2020   20587 22570 7501 16372
2021   45743 38424 15786 23752
Notes: 1.Since 2011, the indicator number of contracts newly signed has been canceled.
     2.The data of year 2017 and 2021 is about the foreign labour cooperation.

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