

Investment in Fixed Assets

  1. 4-1固定资产投资主要经济指标
    Main Indicators of Total Investment in Fixed Assets
  2. 4-1续表
  3. 4-2主要年份按经济类型分固定资产投资额
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Main Years by Type of Ownership
  4. 4-3主要年份按经济类型分固定资产投资额指数 (上年=100)
    Indices of Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Main Years by Type of Ownership (preceding year =100)
  5. 4-4主要年份按投资类别分固定资产投资额
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Main Years by Type of Investment
  6. 4-5主要年份按投资类别分固定资产投资额指数(上年=100)
    Indices of Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Main Years by Type of Investment (preceding year =100)
  7. 4-6各时期按投资类别分固定资产投资额
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Different Periods by Type of Investment
  8. 4-7各时期按投资类别分固定资产投资额平均每年增长速度
    Average Growth Rate of Investment in Fixed Assets in Different Periods by Type of Investment
  9. 4-8主要年份按三次产业分固定资产投资额
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets and its Composition in Main Years by the Three Strata of Industries
  10. 4-9主要年份按构成分固定资产投资额
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Main Years by Use of Funds
  11. 4-10主要年份房屋建设情况
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets and Building Construction in Main Years
  12. 4-11固定资产投资额(2021年)
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets (2021)
  13. 4-11续表
  14. 4-12各区固定资产投资主要指标(2021年,按项目所在地分)
    Main Indicators of Investment in Fixed Assets (2021, by Region of Item)
  15. 4-13各区分行业固定资产投资(2021年,按项目所在地分)
    Fixed assets investment grouped by Sector (2021, by Region of Item)
  16. 4-14各区分行业固定资产投资比重(2021年,按项目所在地分)
    Proportion of fixed assets investment group by sector (2021, by Region of Item)
  17. 4-15民间固定资产投资情况(2021年)
    Investment in Fixed Assets by Private Units (2021)
  18. 4-16工业及工业技术改造固定资产投资情况(2021年)
    Investment in Fixed Assets in Industrial and Technological Renovation(2021)
  19. 4-17住宅投资建设情况(2021年)
    Housing Investment and Construction (2021)
  20. 4-18主要年份基础设施投资额
    Total Investment of Infrastructure in Main Years
  21. 4-19基础设施固定资产投资情况(2021年)
    Infrastructure Fixed Assets Investment (2021)
  22. 4-20新增固定资产(2021年)
    Total Newly Increased Fixed Assets (2021)
  23. 4-20续表
  24. 4-21固定资产投资资金来源(2021年)
    The Funds Sources of Fixed Assets Investment (2021)
  25. 4-22房地产开发与经营(2021年,按法人单位办公所在地分)
    Real Estate Development and Management (2021, by the Locations of the Offices of Corporate Units)
  26. 4-23房地产开发与经营 (2021年,按项目所在地分)
    Real Estate Development and Management (2021, by Region of Item)
  27. 4-24房地产开发投资额和新增固定资产 (2021年)
    Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets in Real Estate Development (2021)
  28. 4-25房地产开发房屋面积 (2021年)
    Floor Space of Buildings in Real Estate Development (2021)
  29. 4-26房地产开发资金来源 (2021年)
    Real Estate Development by Source of Funds (2021)
  30. 4-27房地产开发主要财务指标(2021年)
    Main Financial Indicators of Real Estate Development (2021)