4-15 民间固定资产投资情况(2021年)
Investment in Fixed Assets by Private Units (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
指标名称 Item 2021年 2021年比
Growth Rate in
2021 over
2020 (%)
合计                 Total 36629331 19.4
按投资类别分 Grouped by Type of Investment    
 建设改造  Construction and Transformation 13347416 54.7
 房地产开发  Real Estate Development 23281915 5.6
按主要领域分 Grouped by Main Sector    
 其中:基础设施  Infrastructure investment 864386 66.7
    工业投资  Industrial investment 4350282 61.0
     其中:工业技术改造   Industry technical renovation 1582656 71.1
按构成分 Grouped by Use of Funds             
 建安工程   Construction and Installation Project 14455343 25.8
 设备工器具购置   Purchases of Equipment and Instruments 1672262 26.8
 其他费用   Others 20501726 14.7
按三次产业分 Grouped By Industry    
 第一产业  Primary Industry 153779 46.7
 第二产业  Secondary Industry 4338713 60.3
 第三产业  Tertiary Industry 32136839 15.3
按国民经济行业分 Grouped by Sector    
 农、林、牧、渔业   Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Industry 163321 55.8
 采矿业   Mining 2873 2.0
 制造业   Manufacturing 4188330 61.8
 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业   Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat,Gas and Water 159079 43.0
 建筑业   Construction 6813 -36.4
 批发和零售业   Wholesale and Retail Trade 290316 -6.6
 交通运输、仓储和邮政业   Transport, Storage and Post 531933 29.7
 住宿餐饮业   Hotels and Catering Services 147322 -60.1
 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业   Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology 501840 18.0
 金融业   Financial Intermediation 165861 109.4
 房地产业   Real Estate 27033273 12.9
 租赁和商务服务业   Leasing and Business Services 1355650 18.5
 科学研究和技术服务业   Scientific Research and Technical Services 394267 30.9
 水利、环境和公共设施管理业   Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public  Facilities 162248 103.6
 居民服务、修理和其他服务业   Service to Households, Repair and Other Services 33684 168.4
 教育   Education 911285 155.5
 卫生和社会工作   Health and Social Service 344107 25.2
 文化、体育和娱乐业   Culture, Sports and Entertainment 225492 62.6
 公共管理、社会保障和社会组织   Public Management, Social Security and Social Organizations 11637 1.7
 国际组织   International Organizations    

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