4-1 续表 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2021 (%)
Growth Rate in
      2021 over 2020
  外商投资企业           Foreign Funded Enterprises                  3750642 -25.9
  # 中外合资经营企业         Joint-venture Enterprises                   2039949 -30.9
   中外合作经营企业         Cooperative Enterprises                    247546 -77.8
   外资企业             Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds          1302090 47.8
   外商投资股份有限公司       Share-holding Corporations Ltd.             74451 111.9
  个体经营             Self-employed Individual                   19114 79.2
 按构成分            Grouped by Use of Funds       
  建安工程 Construction and installation project 39915289 9.2
  设备工器具购置         Purchases of Equipment and Instruments        7573587 0.2
  其他费用            Others                                   37538576 17.4
房屋建筑面积 (平方米) Floor Space of Buildings      (sq.m)    
 施工面积            Floor Space under Construction                127507766 7.3
 # 住 宅            Residential Buildings                       74168214 7.1
 竣工面积            Floor Space Completed                       10931261 -21.3
 # 住 宅            Residential Buildings                       6567749 -28.9
本年新增固定资产 New fixed assets in this year 19354961 9.0
本年实际到位资金合计      Total Actually Funds Provided This Year       138890079 10.0
 上年末结余资金         Surplus Fund from Year-end of Preceding Year   34465070 -1.2
 本年实际到位资金小计      Subtotal Actually Funds Provided This Year     104425009 14.2
 # 国家预算资金          State Budget                              12148195 13.5
  国内贷款            Domestic Loans                           18591056 持平
  债 券             Bonds                                   46117 -89.0
  利用外资            Foreign Investment                         53085 -78.9
  自筹资金            Self-raising Funds                          42225572 19.2
  其他资金            Others                                   2052722 -31.9
Notes: I. From 2019 the statistical caliber of newly added fixed assets and actually funds provided in this year is 50 million yuan and above in fixed assets investment projects and real estate development projects.
     II. Due to the adjustment of the institution, the construction area and completed area of houses in 2020 only include real estate development and investment projects.

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