4-25 房地产开发房屋面积(2021年)
Floor Space of Buildings in Real Estate Development (2021)
单位:平方米 (sq.m)
项     目 Item 施工面积   竣工面积   商品房销售面积  
Floor Space of # 住 宅 Floor Space # 住 宅 Floor Space # 住 宅
Buildings under Residential of Buildings Residential of Buildings Residential
Construction Buildings Completed Buildings Actually Sold Buildings
全 市 Total 127507766 74168214 10931261 6567749 17363064 13710144
按企业登记注册类型分 Grouped by Registration Status            
 内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 107689638 63840928 9550908 5869174 14740819 11652455
  国有企业   State-owned Enterprises 3128044 1600996     328847 328423
  集体企业   Collective-owned Enterprises 219579 147037 129682 88546 111201 108824
  股份合作企业   Cooperative Enterprises 3600          
  联营企业   Joint Ownership Enterprises            
  # 国有联营企业    State Joint Ownership Enterprises            
   集体联营企业    Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises            
   国有与集体联营企业    Joint State-collective Enterprises            
  有限责任公司   Limited Liability Corporations 66394507 39820198 6124416 3399391 9342773 7170157
  # 国有独资公司    State Sole Funded Corporations 5624907 3308971 576975 266960 711263 645716
  股份有限公司   Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 625927 226625 9962 9022 129528 68241
  私营企业   Private Enterprises 37317981 22046072 3286848 2372215 4828470 3976810
  其他企业   Other Enterprises            
 港、澳、台商投资企业  Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 10797866 5435929 683005 312850 1267604 1040035
 # 与港、澳、台商合资经营企业   Joint-venture Enterprises 2494354 1116446 275306 95875 239645 178302
  与港、澳、台商合作经营企业   Cooperative Enterprises 2604617 1569681 29028 11105 289635 232697
  港、澳、台商独资经营企业   Enterprises with Sole Funds 5698895 2749802 378671 205870 738324 629036
  港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司   Share-holding Corporations Ltd.            
 外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 9020262 4891357 697348 385725 1354641 1017654
 # 中外合资经营企业   Joint-venture Enterprises 4691618 2374518 658687 354742 515820 358182
  中外合作经营企业   Cooperative Enterprises 1404070 966481 30983 30983 347669 341635
  外资企业   Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 2641811 1453057 7678   426328 310177
  外商投资股份有限公司   Share-holding Corporations Ltd.            
按资质分 Grouped by Grade            
 一级资质  Grade One 1506936 879432 592465 522465 114430 80845
 二级资质  Grade Two 8900724 5943278 1431853 1083635 1318679 1128611
 三级资质  Grade Three 18144308 10246884 2269124 1103561 1808275 1260610
 四级以下(含四级)  Grade Four and below 98955798 57098620 6637819 3858088 14121680 11240078
按隶属关系分 Grouped by Jurisdiction of Management            
 中央  Central Investment 4646901 3427050 892965 802342 660880 579019
 地方  Local Investment 18701259 9442449 1022230 389544 1759863 1327623
 其他  Other Investment 104159606 61298715 9016066 5375863 14942321 11803502

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