4-8 主要年份按三次产业分固定资产投资额
Total Investment in Fixed Assets and its Composition in Main Years by the Three Strata of Industries
  合 计       比 重      
年 份 (万元) 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业 (%) 第一产业 第二产业 第三产业
Year Total Primary Secondary Tertiary Composition Primary Secondary Tertiary
  (10000 yuan) Industry Industry Industry (%) Industry Industry Industry
1978 72641 4317 32100 36224 100.00 5.94 44.19 49.87
1980 99565 4953 39722 54890 100.00 4.97 39.90 55.13
1985 436197 13672 143702 278823 100.00 3.13 32.94 63.93
1990 905937 14268 346872 544797 100.00 1.57 38.29 60.14
1995 6182515 42433 1698901 4441181 100.00 0.69 27.48 71.83
2000 9236676 66584 1411261 7758831 100.00 0.72 15.28 84.00
2001 9782093 17789 1419209 8345095 100.00 0.18 14.51 85.31
2002 10092421 24625 1913745 8154051 100.00 0.24 18.96 80.80
2003 11751668 14657 2265387 9471624 100.00 0.12 19.28 80.60
2004 13489283 30084 2863780 10595419 100.00 0.22 21.23 78.55
2005 15191582 9816 4379347 10802419 100.00 0.06 28.83 71.11
2006 16963824 17999 4632303 12313522 100.00 0.11 27.30 72.59
2007 18633437 11541 4015821 14606075 100.00 0.06 21.55 78.39
2008 21055373 16269 4510845 16528259 100.00 0.08 21.42 78.50
2009 26598516 34894 5454577 21109045 100.00 0.13 20.51 79.36
2010 32635731 34280 6262773 26338678 100.00 0.10 19.19 80.71
2011 34122005 39223 5529978 28552804 100.00 0.11 16.21 83.68
2012 37583868 71881 5998727 31513260 100.00 0.19 15.96 83.85
2013 44545508 107320 7169083 37269105 100.00 0.24 16.09 83.67
2014 48895026 151898 7174196 41568932 100.00 0.31 14.67 85.02
2015 54059522 337727 7795480 45926315 100.00 0.62 14.42 84.96
2016 57035860 211577 7320025 49504258 100.00 0.37 12.83 86.80
2017 59198316 105089 7515079 51578148 100.00 0.18 12.69 87.13
2018 59384003 7998 9615139 49760866 100.00 0.01 16.19 83.80
2019 69202087 31996 10450955 58719136 100.00 0.05 15.10 84.85
2020 76110959 139897 10341208 65629854 100.00 0.18 13.59 86.23
2021 85027452 196905 11014537 73816010 100.00 0.23 12.95 86.82

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