4-2 主要年份按经济类型分固定资产投资额
Total Investment in Fixed Assets in Main Years by Type of Ownership
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
  合 计                
    国有经济 集体经济 联营经济 股份经济 私营经济 外商及港 其他经济 个体经济
Total State- Collective- Joint Share Private Economic Units Others Individual
    owned owned Ownership Holding Economic with Funds from    Investment
Year   Units Units Economic Economic Units Foreign Regions,    
        Units Units   Hong Kong,    
               Macao and     
              Taiwan Investors    
1978 72641 68584 1755           2302
1980 99565 89823 2934           6808
1985 436197 346000 44788           45409
1986 524813 434240 42264           48309
1987 584140 468967 64131           51042
1988 902161 703117 105514           93530
1989 933326 780946 84009           68371
1990 905937 761738 73172           71027
1991 1037424 850310 99147           87967
1992 1881379 1520508 230316           130555
1993 3733976 1885582 676520 15912 72334   842469 5870 235289
1994 5257053 2701653 835384 20679 132421   1234395   332521
1995 6182515 3324871 724898 62755 280004 2157 1464489   323341
1996 6389360 3172138 662454 69611 213638 5617 1947862   318040
1997 6565767 3543369 556536 30949 369066 66960 1720070   278817
1998 7588283 3803451 685243 35596 444474 123884 2210943   284692
1999 8782586 4514598 784507 23172 764251 286732 2129471 2959 276896
2000 9236676 4830889 619778 2579 1326102 534456 1514900 45197 362775
2001 9782093 4475639 368690 5930 1330108 1007708 2311811 10684 271523
2002 10092421 3529709 492329 6974 1986469 1304823 2502251 27560 242306
2003 11751668 4469885 452236 21451 2353980 1391787 2814567 24940 222822
2004 13489283 5371055 308617 37673 2298098 2135297 3183159 19930 135454
2005 15191582 5612243 295243 46941 3326313 1872079 3881748 26366 130649
2006 16963824 6070411 309514 17087 3876752 1904587 4646403 63002 76068
2007 18633437 6802190 440692 41760 4168899 2385743 4655795 20552 117806
2008 21055373 7972112 566318 56254 3881865 3260658 5225525 11599 81042
2009 26598516 12724805 698449 80059 4517995 3444249 5018306 9301 105352
2010 32635731 15528450 711201 54940 6832917 3253895 6055481 4042 194805
2011 34122005 12858860 807709 29504 9432487 4461680 6475334 18585 37846
2012 37583868 12330573 1941043 1836 10077974 4749672 8272350 156227 54193
2013 44545508 11979522 3333867 80244 13579487 6547526 8862572 9755 152535
2014 48895026 13918358 3453080 16779 15251803 7345376 8854921 53056 1653
2015 54059522 13013007 2793087 33652 19220207 9502398 9419157 62785 15229
2016 57035860 13109710 1433043   22249191 8457260 11141497 642515 2644
2017 59198316 13559790 831905 636 25209923 8625918 10154609 812757 2778
2018 59384003 15439768 466026 147 24091060 7823441 11285343 276688 1530
2019 69202087 21020325 494284 2598 27975130 10162745 9107321 434103 5581
2020 76110959 24440236 1146636 1300 28855657 12878820 8481456 296190 10664
2021 85027452 27256054 2741735   33335155 14194604 7225956 254834 19114

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