4-10 主要年份房屋建设情况
Total Investment in Fixed Assets and Building Construction in Main Years
  房屋施工面积   房屋竣工面积  
年份、时期 (万平方米)   (万平方米)  
  Floor Space under # 住 宅 Floor Space # 住 宅
Year and Period Construction Residential Buildings Completed Residential Buildings
  (10000 sq.m)   (10000 sq.m)  
1978 429.55 173.09 184.97 84.82
1980 610.94 334.12 269.07 163.33
1985 1448.87 820.45 796.96 531.33
1990 1681.89 970.81 879.68 537.36
1995 4958.58 2840.92 1847.86 1212.84
2000 6152.47 3789.88 2404.81 1539.43
2001 6612.84 3916.82 2138.40 1304.28
2002 6376.80 3809.32 2129.56 1392.66
2003 6540.20 3643.26 2243.10 1317.25
2004 7263.32 3817.60 2308.23 1045.58
2005 7165.93 3836.53 2405.30 1091.48
2006 6895.68 3751.36 1677.24 918.05
2007 8113.99 4049.79 2243.77 1001.43
2008 8272.29 3986.32 1849.70 865.15
2009 8690.90 3740.54 2208.57 965.85
2010 10114.91 4279.53 2388.95 950.10
2011 11555.51 5083.07 2804.28 938.38
2012 12381.69 5152.06 2957.66 940.44
2013 13959.31 5753.99 3683.50 897.97
2014 13995.56 6410.68 3699.66 1266.35
2015 13129.83 6461.25 2712.01 1031.79
2016 11563.90 6228.81 1642.25 832.98
2017 12044.84 6427.97 1496.38 832.80
2018 14841.71 7166.30 1601.19 871.70
2019 16594.23 7381.27 3089.81 1649.46
2020 11878.29 6924.32 1389.79 923.91
2021 12750.78 7416.82 1093.13 656.77
“六五”时期     3328.10 2352.34
6th Five-year Plan Period        
“七五”时期     4454.23 2772.75
7th Five-year Plan Period        
“八五”时期     7045.41 4339.71
8th Five-year Plan Period        
“九五”时期     10112.06 6673.86
9th Five-year Plan Period          
“十五”时期     11224.59 6151.25
10th Five-year Plan Period          
“十一五”时期     10368.23 4700.58
11th Five-year Plan Period        
“十二五”时期     15857.11 5074.93
12th Five-year Plan Period        
“十三五”时期     9219.42 5110.85
13th Five-year Plan Period        
1950-2021     75251.44 38842.03
1979-2021     73164.14 38095.10
2012-2021     23365.38 9904.17
2017-2021     8670.30 4934.64
Note: Due to the adjustment of the institution, the construction area and completed area of houses since 2020 only include real estate development and investment projects.

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