4-1 固定资产投资主要经济指标
Main Indicators of Total Investment in Fixed Assets
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2021 (%)
Growth Rate in
      2021 over 2020
固定资产投资额 Total Investment in Fixed Assets 85027452 11.7
 按投资类别分  Grouped by Type of Investment    
 # 房地产开发   Real Estate Development 36264398 10.1
 按登记注册类型分  Grouped by Registration Status    
  内资企业   Domestic Funded Enterprises 77782382 15.0
   国有企业    State-owned Enterprises 18534301 17.4
   集体企业    Collective-owned Enterprises 2535199 121.2
   股份合作企业    Cooperative Enterprises 206536 31674.8
   联营企业    Joint Ownership Enterprises    
    国有联营企业     State Joint Ownership Enterprises    
    集体联营企业     Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises    
    国有与集体联营企业     Joint State-collective Enterprises    
    其他联营企业     Other Joint Ownership Enterprises    
   有限责任公司    Limited Liability Corporations 38115461 11.3
    国有独资公司     State Sole Funded Corporations 8721753 0.8
    其他有限责任公司     Other Limited Liability Corporations 29393708 14.8
   股份有限公司    Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 3941447 21.2
   私营企业    Private Enterprises 14194604 10.2
   其他企业    Other Enterprises 254834 -14.0
  港、澳、台商投资企业   Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 3475314 1.5
  # 与港、澳、台商合资经营企业    Joint-venture Enterprises 786392 -3.2
   与港、澳、台商合作经营企业    Cooperative Enterprises 530809 -15.1
   港、澳、台商独资经营企业    Enterprises with Sole Funds 2100501 6.9
   港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司    Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 57193 177.1
Notes: I. The registration status of agencies, institutions, social organizations and other units established according to law is divided referring to the registration status of enterprises. 
     II. Since 2011, the cut-off point of investment in fixed assets is changed from a minimum of 50000 yuan to a minimum of 5000000 yuan. The growth rates in this table are calculated at comparable prices. 
     III. Since 2012the coverage of state budget and self-raising funds have been changed. So the data in 2012 is not comparable with the pervious year (the same as below).
     IV. Fixed asset investment growth rate in 2017 and 2018 is calculated by comparable caliber (the same as below). 

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