4-23 房地产开发与经营(2021年,按项目所在地分)
Real Estate Development and Management (2021, by Region of Item)
            全 市                      
项   目     Item     Total 荔湾区 越秀区 海珠区 天河区 白云区 黄埔区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
              Liwan Yuexiu Haizhu Tianhe Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
本年完成投资    (万元)   Total Investment Completed This Year              (10000 yuan)   36264398 2691586 224977 2129236 2541062 4773908 4663298 3891642 2280778 5358846 911808 6797257
# 住 宅              Residential Buildings                                      25387986 1916366 131562 1274192 1302634 3647404 2859217 2843106 1688896 3598349 684113 5442147
 办公楼            Office Buildings                                          3428014 131345 28951 372031 462279 266210 769147 374552 90809 607052 35412 290226
 商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                   2484859 190443 40791 272468 240113 222948 317508 221245 155219 544557 60932 218635
房屋施工面积   (平方米)   Floor Space of Buildings under Construction               (sq.m)   127507766 5913946 1114713 6471485 8319261 8991364 20338874 16847812 10926376 19502577 4350961 24730397
# 住 宅              Residential Buildings                                      74168214 3148367 336161 2452322 3140926 5558581 12881422 9146333 6615368 10874853 3062588 16951293
 办公楼            Office Buildings                                          16069016 170368 302019 1770824 2220048 735215 3174737 2798388 560879 2958569 248455 1129514
 商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                   11437965 1009346 270836 1174878 1319388 374448 1198133 1484857 1161014 1677592 363396 1404077
# 新开工面积            Floor Space of Newly Started Buildings                        21648057 1070167   768997 904116 2197315 2586752 2015409 1607311 4794091 397111 5306788
# 住 宅              Residential Buildings                                     14177967 862125   459049 261002 1246315 1672522 1544693 1048663 2657015 161965 4264618
 办公楼            Office Buildings                                         1868883 11917   117772 187564 193852 245025 148481 26277 829433 72940 35622
 商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                  1097941 15480   89188 259146 66798 99331 142870 28236 241400 8919 146573
房屋竣工面积   (平方米)   Floor Space of Buildings Completed                      (sq.m)   10931261 639560 152779 1149487 326920 432992 920827 1241383 309140 4154353 182929 1420891
# 住 宅              Residential Buildings                                      6567749 517113 115916 642567 111255 148838 218197 850122 184628 2546273 64632 1168208
 办公楼            Office Buildings                                          1158107   940 216864 4271 100037 474698 44545   316752    
 商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                   864088 27592 1008 148829 122725 24658 72254 26456 4017 273042 109672 53835
商品房销售面积  (平方米)   Floor Space of Buildings Actually Sold This Year           (sq.m)   17363064 812359 118727 657493 815700 1225543 3151232 2253213 1479932 2839509 552406 3456950
 现房销售面积         Floor Space of Existing Buildings with Contracts Signed            3657656 167396 56389 333247 195529 276640 415428 616375 518246 312689 84290 681427
 # 住 宅           Residential Buildings                                      2246383 137953 11142 130229 89760 234195 245800 298566 303850 134334 69952 590602
  办公楼            Office Buildings                                         420525 599 31462 26296 2148 24 45652 130932 135246 44560   3606
  商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                  458369 11495 9427 138992 72777 3540 53011 44590 24262 46687 9586 44002
 期房销售面积         Floor Space of Buildings Presold This Year                     13705408 644963 62338 324246 620171 948903 2735804 1636838 961686 2526820 468116 2775523
 # 住 宅            Residential Buildings                                     11463761 599053 51372 232172 417565 851383 2422882 1442269 843707 1485151 459427 2658780
  办公楼            Office Buildings                                         802766 9748   19774 127214 32571 115983 151827 19246 318092 83 8228
  商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                  1000689 33278 10966 46652 67037 2975 35826 32249 76143 601547 4195 89821
商品房销售合同金额 (万元)   Contracted Value of Buildings Actually Sold This Year (10000 yuan)   48675369 4350867 733310 3252147 3456917 4805956 9086036 6991755 2826628 6281403 834045 6056305
 现房销售合同金额       Contracted Value of Existing Buildings with Contracts Signed       8816390 780853 247579 1323953 702633 1211647 650193 1498855 899875 532286 114069 854447
 # 住 宅            Residential Buildings                                     6506979 718578 79706 789306 473287 1137949 463667 1032185 616182 319285 103237 773597
  办公楼            Office Buildings                                         790116 1746 111546 71599 4019 132 65053 253479 196925 81202   4415
  商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                  927391 33964 42826 332065 173318 10011 67806 88722 42197 76905 6080 53497
 期房销售合同金额       Contracted Value of Buildings Presold                        39858979 3570014 485731 1928194 2754284 3594309 8435843 5492900 1926753 5749117 719976 5201858
 # 住 宅            Residential Buildings                                     35418683 3389113 444057 1676018 1949397 3413138 7859369 5117905 1790370 4030137 710935 5038244
  办公楼            Office Buildings                                         2028800 45134   105189 496619 107415 354819 272515 34544 592342 62 20161
  商业营业用房         Houses for Business Use                                  2051544 127421 41674 127117 301121 11010 84769 87555 87640 1049555 4284 129398

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