4-17 住宅投资建设情况(2021年)
Housing Investment and Construction (2021)
项    目 Item 固定资产投资额 房屋施工面积 房屋竣工面积
(万元) (平方米) (平方米)
Investment in Floor Space Floor Space
Fixed Assets under Construction Completed
(10000 yuan) (sq.m) (sq.m)
总 计 Total 25992783 74168214 6567749
按登记注册类型分  Grouped by Registration Status      
 内资企业   Domestic Funded Enterprises 23723241 63840928 5869174
  国有企业    State-owned Enterprises 2201169 1600996  
  集体企业    Collective-owned Enterprises 298441 147037 88546
  股份合作企业    Cooperative Enterprises      
  联营企业    Joint Ownership Enterprises      
  有限责任公司    Limited Liability Corporations 14489739 39820198 3399391
  股份有限公司    Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 468671 226625 9022
  私营企业    Private Enterprises 6262555 22046072 2372215
  其他企业    Other Enterprises 2666    
 港、澳、台商投资企业   Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan 1404560 5435929 312850
 外商投资企业    Foreign Funded Enterprises                  864982 4891357 385725
 个体经营    Self-employed Individual                        
按投资类别分 By investment category      
# 房地产开发    Real estate development 25387986 74168214 6567749
Note: Due to the adjustment of the institution, the construction area and completed area of houses since 2020 only include real estate development and investment projects.

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