4-12 各区固定资产投资主要指标(2021年,按项目所在地分)
Main Indicators of Investment in Fixed Assets (2021, by Region of Item)
项    目   Item   全 市                      
    Total 荔湾区 越秀区 海珠区 天河区 白云区 黄埔区 番禺区 花都区 南沙区 从化区 增城区
      Liwan Yuexiu Haizhu Tianhe Baiyun Huangpu Panyu Huadu Nansha Conghua Zengcheng
固定资产投资额     (万元)   Total Investment in Fixed Assets        (10000 yuan)   85027452 4734714 982812 4163009 5784707 11882255 18694955 8692180 5979970 11275594 2167339 10669917
按登记注册类型分        Grouped by Registration Status                             
# 国有经济投资             State-owned Investment                           27256054 1318598 704072 1029456 1226552 4404540 6518765 2145172 2158016 4194142 368929 3187812
 民间投资            Investment by Non-state-owned Units               36629331 2826666 93902 2360890 1887581 3189662 8273753 4648902 2275965 3983714 1505475 5582821
 港澳台商经济投资        Investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan        3475314 144781 55963 89650 549372 100810 409106 407711 367512 808012 124029 418368
 外商经济投资          Foreign Investment                              3750642 116550 400 93054 87564 118115 1339319 292209 147573 678074 24887 852897
按构成分            Grouped by Use of Funds                              
# 建筑安装工程合计            Construction and Installation Project                39915289 1708295 608738 2159136 2178403 4984289 8357200 4003387 3174466 6163169 1231730 5346476
新增固定资产      (万元)   Newly Increased Fixed Assets            (10000 yuan)   19354961 427128 434018 1054576 1369452 1720826 5115603 1533746 1998178 3572800 377575 1751059
Note: The state-owned investment  refers  to  the  investment  from state-ownered  enterprises, state joint ownership  enterprises  and  sole state-funded corporations. The investment  by non-state-owned units refers to the total investment excluding the investment from state-owned enterprises,state joint 
     ownership enterprises, sole state-funded  corporations, enterprises  with  funds  from  foreign  regions, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The investment by private enterprises refers to private holding investment and individual investment of the investment from collective-owned enterprises, other 
     cooperative enterprises, other limited liability corporations,private enterprises, other domestic funded enterprises and share holding corporations. The same as in the following tables.

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