

Government Finance and Banking

  1. 6-1财政和金融业主要经济指标
    Main Indicators of Government Finance and Financial Industry
  2. 6-2主要年份地方财政收支
    Local Government Revenue and Expenditure in Main Years
  3. 6-3地方财政收入
    Revenue of Local Government
  4. 6-4地方财政支出
    Expenditure of Local Government
  5. 6-5主要年份金融机构(含外资)存贷款余额
    Deposits and Loans in All Financial Institutions (Including Foreign Capital) in Main Years
  6. 6-6中外资金融机构本外币存贷款年末余额
    Deposits and Loans in RMB and Foreign Currencies of All Financial Institutions at Year-end
  7. 6-7中外资金融机构外币存贷款年末余额
    Deposits and Loans in Foreign Currencies of All Financial Institutions at Year-end
  8. 6-8中外资金融机构存贷款年末余额(折人民币,2008-2021年)
    Deposits and Loans of All Financial Institutions at Year-end (converted into RMB, at the end of year from 2008to 2021)
  9. 6-8续表
  10. 6-9中外资金融机构人民币信贷资金平衡表
    Credit Funds Balance Sheet of Financial Institutions
  11. 6-10中资金融机构人民币各项存贷款年末余额
    Deposits and Loans in RMB of Chinese Financial Institutions at Year-end
  12. 6-11上市公司及新三板概况(2011-2021年)
    Listed Companies and NEEQ-listed Companies (2011-2021)
  13. 6-12证券市场股票筹资概况(2011-2021年)
    Equity Financing of Securities Market (2011-2021)
  14. 6-13证券市场交易额概况(2011-2021年)
    Turnover of Securities Market (2011-2021)
  15. 6-14主要年份原保险保费收入和赔款及给付支出
    Premium of Primary Insurance and Claim and Payment in Main Years
  16. 6-15保险公司主要业务指标(2021年)
    Major Business Indicators of Insurance Companies (2021)
  17. 6-16财产保险公司主要指标
    Main Indicators of Property Insurance Companies
  18. 6-17人身保险公司主要指标
    Main Indicators of Personal Insurance Companies
  19. 6-17续表
  20. 6-18主要外资金融机构及代表处一览表
    List of Main Foreign Financial Institutions and Representative Offices
  21. 6-18续表
  22. 6-19外资保险公司及代表处一览表
    List of Foreign Insurance Companies and Representative Offices