6-5 主要年份金融机构(含外资)存贷款余额
Deposits and Loans in All Financial Institutions (Including Foreign Capital) in Main Years
单位:亿元  (100 million yuan) 
  金融机构   金融机构  
  本 外 币 #人民币 本 外 币 #人民币
年 份 存款余额 存款余额 贷款余额 贷款余额
  Deposits in Renminbi Deposits in Renminbi Loans Institutions in Loans in Renminbi
year and Foreign Currencies in Renminbi and Foreign Currencies in
  Currencies in All Financial Currencies in Financial
  Financial Institutions Institutions Financial Institutions Institutions
1978   25.56   26.04
1979   31.02   26.97
1980   43.73   40.25
1981   49.19   47.04
1982   56.22   53.50
1983   64.31   59.11
1984   87.91   93.60
1985   100.72   105.19
1986   141.49   142.95
1987   203.74   211.58
1988   260.54   265.08
1989   325.47   359.28
1990   440.47   420.38
1991   601.91   491.13
1992   871.44   651.21
1993   1085.96   835.60
1994   1439.01   984.48
1995   2001.96   1312.15
1996   2712.98   1605.22
1997   3497.65   2166.01
1998   4103.45   2502.12
1999   4823.87   3435.71
2000   5545.19   3895.49
2001   6228.04   4336.50
2002   7498.35   5257.21
2003   8676.72   6127.27
2004   9613.57   6535.39
2005   11085.30   6908.03
2006   12731.23   7931.78
2007 14783.46 14309.71 9661.38 8737.05
2008 16929.47 16421.05 11079.55 10304.73
2009 20944.19 20401.72 13851.83 12598.16
2010 23953.96 23384.50 16284.31 14987.73
2011 26460.80 25791.70 17732.88 16333.43
2012 30186.57 29006.99 19936.52 18023.02
2013 33838.20 32850.57 22016.18 20172.97
2014 35469.29 34170.66 24231.71 22688.33
2015 42843.67 41574.49 27296.16 26136.95
2016 47530.20 45937.34 29669.82 28885.54
2017 51369.03 49332.53 34137.05 33312.73
2018 54788.09 52647.47 40749.32 39764.44
2019 59131.20 56701.75 47103.31 46155.78
2020 67798.81 65615.47 54387.64 53535.39
2021 74988.86 72848.92 61399.61 60238.74

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