6-6 中外资金融机构本外币存贷款年末余额
Deposits and Loans in RMB and Foreign Currencies of All Financial Institutions at Year-end
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
各项存款余额 Total Deposits 67798.81 74988.86
一、境内存款 Domestic Deposits 65856.60 73027.57
 (一) 住户存款  Deposits of Households 21177.97 23151.08
 (二) 非金融企业存款  Deposits of Non-financial Enterprises 23889.25 24547.70
 (三) 机关团体存款  Deposits of Government Departments & Organizations 9290.63 10701.64
 (四) 财政性存款  Fiscal Deposits 848.07 1005.95
 (五) 非银行业金融机构存款  Deposits of Non-banking Financial Institutions 10650.68 13621.19
二、境外存款 Overseas Deposits 1942.21 1961.29
各项贷款余额 Total Loans 54387.64 61399.61
一、境内贷款 Domestic Loans 53725.93 60436.53
 (一) 住户贷款  Loans to Households 20649.14 23193.92
 (二) 企(事)业单位贷款  Loans to Non-financial Enterprises and Government Departments & Organizations 32820.00 37163.82
  1.短期贷款   Short-term loans 7451.94 7247.03
  2.中长期贷款   Medium & Long-term Loans 22906.46 26444.64
  3.票据融资   Paper Financing 2256.14 3174.62
  4.融资租赁   Financial Leasing 200.06 229.33
  5.各项垫款   Total Advances 5.40 68.21
 (三) 非银行业金融机构贷款  Loans to Non-banking Financial Institutions 256.79 78.79
二、境外贷款 Overseas Loans 661.71 963.08

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