6-16 财产保险公司主要指标
Main Indicators of Property Insurance Companies
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
原保险保费收入 赔款支出 原保险保费收入 赔款支出
Premium of Claim and Premium of Claim and
Primary Payment Primary Payment
Insurance   Insurance  
合  计 Total 3942627 2507763 4059357 2399154
企业财产保险 Enterprise Property Insurance 254212 129662 268376 131508
家庭财产保险 Family Property Insurance 25276 4427 25412 3557
# 投资型家财险  Investment Family Property Insurance 147 23 147 11
机动车辆保险 Motor Vehicle Insurance 1791457 1109694 1778769 1135022
工程保险 Enginerring Insurance 81128 53154 88461 56475
责任保险 Liability Insurance 439357 165969 511214 209411
信用保险 Export Credit Insurance 195004 176748 216510 45991
保证保险 Guarantee Insurance 318163 433672 184144 233427
# 机动车辆消费贷款保证保险  Vehicle Loan Guarantee Insurance 65 189 -1 -130
 个人贷款抵押房屋保证保险  Personal Loan Mortgage Housing Guarantee Insurance -100 3 -115 ...
船舶保险 Ship Insurance 33868 17916 32268 24232
货物运输保险 Freight Transport Insurance 53309 22323 67639 30859
特殊风险保险 Special Risk Insurance 65768 36005 60648 27603
农业保险 Agricultural Insurance  20053 11426 33664 22094
健康险 Health Insurance 362566 204883 372981 246080
意外伤害保险 Accident Injury Insurance 193789 62651 237534 82246
其他险 Other Insurance 108677 79234 181737 150650

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