6-3 地方财政收入
Revenue of Local Government 
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项    目 Item 2020 2021
地方财政收入合计 Total Revenue of Local Government 42374332 43079643
 一般公共预算收入  General Budgetary Revenue 17227892 18842570
 # 增值税   Value-added Tax 4054969 4403537
  企业所得税   Corporate Income Tax 2131800 2269841
  个人所得税   Individual Income Tax 793333 958567
  城市维护建设税   City Maintenance and Construction Tax 1351928 1481167
  房产税   House Property Tax 954091 1090146
  印花税   Stamp Tax 442835 498001
  城镇土地使用税   Urban Land Use Tax 118627 129948
  车船税   Tax on Vehicles and Boat Operation 161280 164938
  契 税   Deed Tax 1762371 1983777
  国有资本经营收入   Operation Income of State-owned Assets 12112 85933
  行政事业性收费收入   Charge of Administrative and Institutional Units 272587 390140
  罚没收入   Penalty Receipts 387146 448647
  专项收入   Special Revenue 1805412 2268300
  其他收入   Others 864442 897899
 政府性基金收入  Revenue from Government-controlled Funds 25146440 24237073
附:上级补助收入 Subsidies from Higher Levels Taxed Tax Return 5702186 5943024
# 消费税和增值税税收返还收入  Consumption Tax and Value-added 406982 406982
 所得税基数返还收入  Tax Base Return 410697 405856

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