6-4 地方财政支出
Expenditure of Local Government 
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
地方财政支出合计 Total Expenditure of Local Government 50586927 52869320
 一般公共预算支出  General Budgetary Expenditure 29526468 30211834
 # 一般公共服务支出   Expenditure for General Public Services 3175983 3155905
  国防支出   Expenditure for National Defense 22638 27312
  公共安全支出   Expenditure for Public Security 2349550 2227874
  教育支出   Expenditure for Education 5585916 5890857
  科学技术支出   Expenditure for Science and Technology 2241321 2012478
  文化旅游体育与传媒支出   Expenditure for Culture, Tourism, Sports and Media 493317 468599
  社会保障和就业支出   Expenditure for Social Safety Net and Employment Effort 3476251 3680623
  卫生健康支出   Expenditure for Medical and Health 3008312 3167210
  城乡社区支出   Expenditure for Urban and Rural Community Affairs 3338362 3129083
  农林水支出   Expenditure for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Conservancy 1120709 823888
  交通运输支出   Expenditure for Transportation 519415 512214
  资源勘探信息等支出   Expenditure for Affairs of Exploration, Power and Information  789533 1015921
  商业服务业等支出   Expenditure for Affairs of Commerce and Services 191610 221205
  金融支出   Expenditure for Affairs of Financial Supervision 214770 393525
  援助其他地区支出   Expenditure for Post-earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction 166946 164292
  住房保障支出   Expenditure for Affairs of Housing Security 1465795 1498964
  其他支出   Other Expenditures 46643 139943
 政府性基金支出  Expenditure for Government-controlled Funds 21060459 22657486
附:上解上级支出 Expenditure for Cental and Provincial Governments 1441629 2640399

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