6-1 财政和金融业主要经济指标
Main Indicators of Government Finance and Financial Industry
项   目   Item   2020 2021 2021年比
    Growth Rate
    in 2021 over
    2020 (%)
地方财政收入      (万元)   Revenue of Local Government                   (10000 yuan)   42374332 43079643 1.7
 一般公共预算收入           General Budgetary Revenue                              17227892 18842570 9.4
 # 增值税               Value-added Tax                                      4054969 4403537 8.6
  企业所得税             Corporate Income Tax                                  2131800 2269841 6.5
  个人所得税             Individual Income Tax                                  793333 958567 20.8
 政府性基金收入           Governmental Funds Revenue                             25146440 24237073 -3.6
地方财政支出      (万元)   Expenditure of Local Government                (10000 yuan)   50586927 52869320 4.5
 一般公共预算支出           General Budgetary Expenditure                           29526468 30211834 2.3
 # 一般公共服务支出          General Public Expenditure                              3175983 3155905 -0.6
  教育支出              Operating Expenses for Education                        5585916 5890857 5.5
  科学技术支出            Operating Expenses for Science and Technology               2241321 2012478 -10.2
  卫生健康支出            Operating Expenses for Medical and Health                3008312 3167210 5.3
 政府性基金支出           Governmental Fund Expenditure                           21060459 22657486 7.6
金融机构本外币各项存款余额  (亿元)   Balance of Savings Deposit in Standard and Foreign Currencies in Financial Institutions                     67798.81 74988.86 10.6
                  (100 million yuan)        
# 人民币               RMB                                                65615.47 72848.92 11.0
 # 住户存款余额            Deposits of Households                                 20774.13 22768.53 9.6
金融机构本外币各项贷款余额  (亿元)   Balance of Loan in Standard and Foreign Currencies in Financial Institutions                               54387.64 61399.61 12.9
                  (100 million yuan)        
# 人民币               RMB                                                53535.39 60238.74 12.5
国内财产保险公司业务         Domestic Property Insurance Companies                          
 保险金额       (亿元)    Amount Insured                         (100 million yuan)   7214504 5652400 -21.7
 原保险保费收入    (万元)    Premium of Primary Insurance                 (10000 yuan)   3942627 4059357 3.0
 赔款支出       (万元)    Indemnity Expenditure                        (10000 yuan)   2507763 2399154 -4.3
国内人身保险公司业务         Domestic Life Insurance Companies                              
 原保险保费收入    (万元)    Premium of Primary Insurance                 (10000 yuan)   11013537 10574267 -4.0
 期满给付       (万元)    Mature Payment                             (10000 yuan)   1176836 2753092 133.9
 死伤医疗给付     (万元)    Payment for Death, Injury and Medical Treatment             (10000 yuan)   288856 378107 30.9

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