6-17 人身保险公司主要指标
Main Indicators of Personal Insurance Companies
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2020 2021
原保险保费收入 Premium of Primary Insurance 11013537 10574267
按险种分 Classify by Insurance Code    
 寿 险  Life Insurance 8507672 7994919
  个人业务   Individual Insurance 8476197 7965869
   新单保费    Initial Premiums 3508960 3214597
   续期保费    Renewable Premiums 4967236 4751272
  团体业务   Group Isurance 31475 29050
   新单保费    Initial Premiums 22019 19854
   续期保费    Renewable Premiums 9456 9196
 意外伤害险  Personal Accidental Death and Injury Insurance 259212 252030
  一年期以内业务   Within One-year Product 37880 37151
  一年期业务   One-year Product 113561 107248
  一年以上业务   Over One-year Product 107771 107632
 健康险  Health Insurance 2246653 2327317
  一年期以内及一年期业务   Winthin One Year and One-Year Product 428020 458283
   个人业务    Individual Insurance 228426 208647
   团体业务    Group Isurance 199595 249636
  一年期以上业务   Over One-year Period Product 1818632 1869034
   个人业务    Individual Insurance 1761499 1828047
   团体业务    Group Isurance 57133 40986
按新型产品分 Classify by New Insurance Products    
 寿险保费收入合计  Total Life Insurance Premiums 8507672 7994919
  普通寿险   Ordinary Life Insurance 4838798 5176139
   新单保费    Initial Premiums 1635419 1925624
   续期保费    Renewable Premiums 3203379 3250515
  分红寿险   Participating Insurance 3644117 2795344
   新单保费    Initial Premiums 1891718 1304858
   续期保费    Renewable Premiums 1752400 1490486
  投资连结保险   Unit-linked Insurance 6027 5881
  万能寿险   Universal Life Insurance 18730 17555

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