

Service Enterprises above thd Designated Size

  1. 16-1主要年份规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size
  2. 16-2规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size
  3. 16-3规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按大中小微型企业分)
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021 by Large, Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises)
  4. 16-4规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按行业分)
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021,by Sector)
  5. 16-4续表
  6. 16-5规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按地区分)
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size(2021,by Region)
  7. 16-6规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按登记注册类型分)
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size(2021,by Registration Status)
  8. 16-6续表
  9. 16-7规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按控股情况分)
    Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size(2021,by Type of Ownership)
  10. 16-8规模以上服务业企业营业收入(2021年, 按行业分)"
    Business Revenue of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021, by Sector)
  11. 16-9规模以上服务业企业营业收入(2021年,按地区分)
    Business Revenue of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021,by District)
  12. 16-10规模以上服务业企业营业收入(2021年,按登记注册类型和控股情况分)
    Business Revenue of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021,by Registration Status and Type of Ownership)